Landlords in UK more optimistic and planning to cope with tax change
Landlords in the UK are taking action ahead of mortgage relief tax changes due to come into force in April and more are optimistic about the outlook for the private rented sector. Six out of 10 landlords are preparing for the tax change and more are willing to buy with fewer thinking about reducing their […] The post Landlords in UK more optimistic and planning to cope with tax change appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Over 40% of buyers in UK view six or more properties before making a decision
Four in 10 home owners in the UK viewed six or more properties before buying their last home and that 80% viewed more than three properties, new research has found. Buyers in the South East of England seem to need the most choice with over half, 51%, viewing six or more properties, closely followed by […] The post Over 40% of buyers in UK view six or more properties before making a decision appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Property prices up in England and Wales, but at lowest level for February for years
Property asking prices in England and Wales increased by 2% since January to an average of £305,231 but the annual rate of growth has fallen to 2.3%, its lowest level since 2013. But overall demand in the market remains strong, according to the report from property portal Rightmove which also says that getting the price […] The post Property prices up in England and Wales, but at lowest level for February for years appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →