
UK rents grew by slowest annual rate since 2013 in February

Residential rents across the UK grew by 1% over the last year to February 2017, the slowest annual rate of growth since April 2013, the latest index shows. In London rents have fallen consecutively for the past nine months, down 0.53% over the last year, according to the latest Landbay rental index. Indeed, the average […] The post UK rents grew by slowest annual rate since 2013 in February appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, Advertising, advice, AGA, age, Ais, ales, America, annual, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, aspiring, Australia, average, awards, ban, Barking, boroughs, borrowers, bottom, Brexit, budget, burden, bust, buy, Buy to Let, buy to let market, Buyers, buying, Canada, cap, capital, Central London, chancellor, change, Chelsea, choice, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, cost, country, data, deal, Demand, Deposit, develop, Development, earn, Energy, England, England Wales, estate, Estates, Europe, expensive, family, features, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, flat, future, growth, help, home, home owners, home ownership, homeowner, homeowners, homes, hot, house, house prices, Housing, impact, increase, Index, industry, inflation, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Ireland, Isa, Kensington, land, landlord, Landlords, lease, Legal, lender, lenders, letting, Lettings, lettings industry, lettings market, Location, London, low, market, month, monthly, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, national, need, new, new home, News, North America, Northern Ireland, office, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, owners, ownership, permission, plan, Planning, policy, pressure, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, private, private rented sector, products, propert, properties, Property, property market, property prices, Property Wire, rates, reduced, release, Remortgage, rent, rental, rental growth, Rental Market, Rental Prices, rental values, rented, rented sector, renters, renting, rents, report, research, Residential, rise, sales, save, Scotland, search, shared, Shows, site, slow, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, Supply, support, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< property, UK< property market, UK< rent, uncertainty, US, USE, value, Values, wages, Wales, white paper, work | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on UK rents grew by slowest annual rate since 2013 in February

Property prices in England and Wales up 0.6% in February, annual growth down

Property prices in England and Wales increased by 0.6% in February but the annual rate of growth fell to 2.4%, the lowest since 2013, although some parts of the country are seeing stronger growth. Indeed the highest price growth for a year was recorded in Merseyside and Birmingham with new peaks of 5% and 6.2% […] The post Property prices in England and Wales up 0.6% in February, annual growth down appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, Advertising, advice, AGA, age, agent, agents, ales, America, annual, Apartments, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, Australia, average, average price, awards, ban, Barking, boroughs, borrowers, bottom, Brexit, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Canada, Central London, challenge, change, choice, city, commercial, Commercial Property, commute, commuter, Company News, confidence, country, coup, data, deal, Demand, Deposit, develop, Development, earn, Energy, England, England Wales, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Estates, Europe, expensive, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, flat, future, gap, growth, grwoth, home, homes, hot, hotspot, house, house prices, houses, Housing, impact, increase, Index, industry, inflation, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, investors, Isa, land, lease, Legal, lender, lenders, letting, Lettings, lettings industry, Location, London, low, Luton, Manchester, market, month, monthly, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, national, new, new home, News, North America, office, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, Paris, permission, plan, Planning, policy, price, priced, prices, products, professionals, propert, properties, Property, property market, property prices, Property Wire, rail, rates, record, recovery, reduced, regeneration, regions, registered, release, Remortgage, rent, rental, Rental Market, Rental Prices, renting, rents, report, research, Residential, rise, sales, search, shared, Shows, site, slow, slowdown, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, support, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< property, UK< property market, UK< rent, uncertainty, US, USE, value, Wales, work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Property prices in England and Wales up 0.6% in February, annual growth down

Rent growth slows in the UK, led by falls in London

Overall rental growth has stalled in Britain with values 0.6% lower in February than they were a year ago with the fall is driven by London, the latest index shows. While it is the first annual fall for more than six years, the data from the Countrywide lettings index shows that apart from London and […] The post Rent growth slows in the UK, led by falls in London appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, Advertising, advice, afford, affordability, AGA, age, ales, America, annual, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, Australia, average, awards, ban, borrowers, bottom, Brexit, British, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Canada, Central London, change, choice, Cities, city, coast, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, country, Cyprus, data, deal, Demand, Deposit, develop, Development, earn, earnings, Energy, England, estate, Estates, Europe, family, features, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, future, gap, growth, home, homes, hot, house, house prices, Housing, impact, increase, Index, industry, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, jomes, land, landlord, Landlords, lease, Legal, lender, lenders, letting, Lettings, lettings industry, lettings market, limit, Location, London, low, market, month, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, national, new, new home, News, North America, office, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, Overseas Buyers, owner, permission, plan, Planning, policy, price, prices, products, proeprty, propert, properties, Property, property market, Property Wire, rates, record, reduced, regions, release, Remortgage, rent, rental, rental growth, Rental Market, rents, report, research, Residential, rise, sales, search, shared, Shows, site, slow, slowdown, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, stock, Supply, support, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Towns, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< property, UK< property market, uncertainty, United States, US, USE, value, Values, work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rent growth slows in the UK, led by falls in London