Tag Archives: power

IEA: Renewable Power To Exceed Gas By 2016 And Double Nuclear

Silvio Marcacci      CleanTechnica Natural gas is widely considered the bridge to take us from fossil fuel dependence to a clean energy future – but that bridge may be a lot shorter than anyone could have predicted. Global renewable electricity production by region image via IEA The International Energy Agency predicts power generation from renewable sources will exceed natural gas and be twice the contribution from nuclear energy globally by 2016 – just three short years from now. IEA’s second-annual Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report (MTRMR) forecasts renewable generation will grow 40 per cent in the next five years despite difficult economic conditions. Wind and solar lead renewables charge Renewable energy is now the fastest-growing sector of the global power market, and will represent 25 per cent of all energy generation worldwide by 2018, up from 20 per cent in 2011. In addition, renewable electricity generation is expected to reach 6,850 terawatt-hours (TWh) and total installed renewable capacity should hit 2,350 gigawatts (GW), both by 2018. Wind and solar photovoltaic generation is powering this jump, and non-hydro renewable power will double from 4 per cent of gross generation in 2011 to 8 per cent in 2018. IEA cites two main drivers for their incredible outlook: accelerating investment and deployment, and growing cost competitiveness versus fossil fuels. Strongest growth in developing countries Even though government funding has been inconsistent, private investment has remained strong, especially in developing economies. Rural electrification, energy poverty, and rising demand have been major challenges for policymakers in these countries, and renewables have become an increasingly attractive option for diverse and non-polluting power. Countries with non-hydro renewable capacity above 100MW image via IEA Non-developed countries, led by China , are expected to contribute two-thirds of all renewable market growth between now and 2018, compensating for slower growth and market volatility acorss Europe and the US. Indeed, non-hydro renewable power will make up 11 per cent of gross generation in these countries by 2018, up from 7 per cent in 2012. By itself, China will account for 310GW, or 40 per cent of all global renewable power capacity increases over this time period. Falling costs, rising capacity Solving energy poverty issues without harmful emissions is key to renewables growth , but the larger reason for IEA’s outlook is more likely falling costs. The report finds renewables now cost-competitive with fossil fuels across many countries and a wide set of circumstances. Solar PV annual capacity additions by region image via IEA IEA notes wind is competitive with new fossil fuel in multiple markets, including Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, and New Zealand, and solar is competitive both in markets with high peak prices and decentralized power needs. “As their costs continue to fall, renewable power sources are increasingly standing on their own merits versus new fossil-fuel generation,” said Maria van der Hoeven of IEA. IEA – policy uncertainty is public enemy #1 However, the IEA warns renewables still face a challenging future. Global investment fell in 2012, and policy uncertainties loom over clean energy technology in several important markets. In addition, grid integration challenges have materialized in some regions as renewables penetration has hit new levels. “Policy uncertainty is public enemy number one,” said Van der Hoeven . “Many renewables no longer require high economic incentives, but they do still need long-term policies that provide a predictable and reliable market and regulatory framework.” Read more: http://www.businesss…r#ixzz2XPwhHSpo Continue reading

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Obama’s Climate Plan Sets Power Plant Emissions Limits

Environmental Leader June 25, 2013 President Barack Obama’s climate plan will restrict carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants and boost investment in renewable energy, according to White House documents. The climate plan , which Obama will announce this afternoon, doesn’t set a timeline for the power plant rules. Reuters reports the EPA will issue proposed carbon emissions limits for existing powers plants by June 2014 and finalize the regulations a year later. The federal government will also make up to $8 million available in loan guarantees for energy-efficiency and clean-technology projects for fossil fuel plants. In addition to limiting carbon emissions, the US will work to reduce other potent greenhouse gases , including hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and methane, both domestically and internationally. The plan calls for cleaner-burning fuels for transportation and says the Obama administration will work with the auto industry to develop post-2018 fuel economy standards for heavy-duty vehicles. The federal government will work with the private and public sector to deploy biofuels, advanced batteries and fuel cell technologies for all modes of transportation, it says. In an effort to reduce energy bills for businesses and homes, the White House will set efficiency standards for appliances and federal buildings that will cut carbon pollution by at least 3 billion metric tons by 2030 — equivalent to about half of the carbon pollution from the US energy sector for one year. The plan also sets new renewable energy goals, including installing 100 MW of renewable capacity across federally subsided housing by 2020 and building enough wind and solar projects on federal lands to power more than 6 million homes by the same date. The plan says the federal government will obtain 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. This new goal more than doubles the current target of 7.5 percent. Additionally, the plan focuses on preparing for the impacts of climate change, including establishing a task force to advise on how the federal government can better support climate preparedness and taking measures to improve climate resilience in areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy. It says the White House will launch a “climate data initiative” and a “toolkit for climate resilience” that centralizes access to data-driven resilience tools, services and best practices. Continue reading

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Real estate for sale in Enola Pennsylvania – MLS# 10239558

511 State Street Enola Pennsylvania 17025 MLS# 10239558 For more info visit http://vt.realbiz360.com/Listing-1359476.html Convenient location with fenced in … Continue reading

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