Tag Archives: outlook

EIA August STEO Predicts Increasing Bioenergy Production In 2014

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OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022: Higher Energy Inputs Mean Higher Agricultural Commodity Prices

June 11th, 2013 This post concerns a 120-page PDF report combining efforts from the OECD and the FAO, from which I’ve excerpted some key projections on food commodity prices and how they are expected to be impacted by rising input costs, especially crude oil and fertilizer costs. Note that I’ve zeroed in on these subjects by choice, as there are many other subjects covered in the report. I’ve highlighted a few sentences in red, but there are many additional nuggets in the paragraphs below, beginning with the report description and overview. OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022: The nineteenth edition of the Agricultural Outlook, and the ninth prepared jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), provides projections to 2022 for major agricultural commodities, biofuels and fish. Notable in the 2013 report is the inclusion of cotton for the first time and a special feature on China. Higher costs and strong demand are expected to keep commodity prices well above historical averages with a high risk of price volatility given tight stocks, a changeable policy environment and increasing weather-related production risks. China is projected to maintain its self-sufficiency in certain key food commodities while increasing its trade and integration in world agricultural markets. Overview: Market tightening in recent years has been accompanied not only by an increase in the level of agricultural prices but also by a resurgence of commodity and food price volatility, reminiscent of the situation of the 1970s. In these circumstances, prolonged periods of low agricultural product prices driven by ever increasing productivity improvements in a context of low oil and energy prices seem now a feature of a bygone era. Instead, with energy prices high and rising and production growth declining across the board, strong demand for food, feed, fibre and industrial uses of agricultural products is leading to structurally higher prices and with significant upside price risks. The frequency of short term price surges and bouts of high volatility, accentuated in some cases by policy choices, have catapulted agriculture and its future prospects into renewed prominence. The factors external to agriculture that will shape global demand and supply for agricultural commodities include slowing population growth and changing population demographics, macroeconomic shocks and the speed of recovery to sustained global economic growth, the increasing co-movement of agriculture with energy and financial markets, and enhanced climatic uncertainties. Overall, the increasing scarcity of arable land, water constraints and rising input and energy costs in agriculture all serve to highlight the critical importance of achieving higher agricultural productivity in a more sustainable manner both at the farm level and upstream and downstream sectors of the food supply chain. As a result of rising energy, higher operational expenses, and rising input constraints of land and water necessary for expansion, global livestock inventories and livestock product supplies of meats and dairy products expand less rapidly over the projection period than in the past decade. Oil and energy prices are assumed to increase over the coming decade and to remain historically high reflecting steady global economic growth. By the end of the projection period in 2022, the price of crude oil is assumed to be around USD 145 per barrel, with an average growth over the period of 2.6% p.a. and slightly above that for consumer price inflation. High energy and oil prices will have effects on both demand and supply of agricultural products, through higher agricultural supply costs and increased demand for agricultural feedstocks used for biofuels production. With prices of fertilisers and other farm chemicals and machinery costs closely related to oil prices, any rise in oil prices is expected to quickly translate into increasing production costs. In addition, some inputs such as water are becoming increasing constrained in availability to agriculture and more costly to procure needed supplies. Higher energy and oil prices and rising costs of other inputs are factored into the commodity price projections through higher agricultural supply costs. Higher production and supply costs will reduce the profitability of capital and input intensive agriculture and this development can be expected to further slow the growth in production. At the same time it will likely encourage production growth in countries with less intensive farming practices due to higher net returns, such as pasture-based dairy and meat operations. An exception will be countries such as the United States and Brazil, in which exchange rate depreciation will help to offset some of these cost disadvantages to preserve the competitiveness of their agricultural production on world markets. Overall, the increasing scarcity of arable land, water constraints and rising input and energy costs in agriculture all serve to highlight the critical importance of achieving higher agricultural productivity in a more sustainable manner both at the farm level and upstream and downstream sectors of the food supply chain. This will be required to ensure the increasing food supplies needed by an expanding global population and to reduce upside price pressures over the longer term. Slower output growth is expected to be a feature of agricultural production in both the developed and developing countries’ agriculture sectors in the coming decade. Developed and the large emerging economies in particular are projected to enter a period of lower yield and production growth for most crops. This will also apply to livestock sectors of meats and dairy, but with the downward adjustments perhaps less pronounced in some cases than for crops. For livestock production, these developments reflect a combination of moderately rising feed costs, higher energy costs and a growing scarcity of inputs such as water and suitable land. However, the projected growth in global agricultural production will still be sufficient to outpace the increase in global population with output per person estimated at 0.5% p.a. Short term supply response to changing prices has been faster in the past in the developed countries with their highly capital and input intensive farming practices and capacity to adjust variable input usage rapidly. Nonetheless, agricultural production over the longer term is projected to continue to grow more rapidly in the developing countries and this will further increase their share of global agricultural output to 2022. China: Budgetary transfers for producers have been growing constantly since the end of the 1990s and are provided mostly through direct payments for grain producers, payments compensating increase in prices of agricultural inputs, in particular fertilisers and fuels, payments enhancing use of improved seeds and through subsidies for purchases of agricultural machinery. A positive feature of these transfers is that to an increasing extent they are provided through direct payments at a flat rate per unit of land which is effective in supporting farmers’ income and have limited influence on production and trade. Ethanol production is expected to increase 67% over the next ten years with biodiesel increasing even faster but from a smaller base. By 2022, biofuel production is projected to consume a significant amount of the total world production of sugar cane (28%), vegetable oils (15%) and coarse grains (12%). There is much more of interest in the report. Continue reading

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Farmland Price Growth Slows; Bankers Cautiously Optimistic State-By-State Outlook

Jul. 25, 2013 Burt Rutherford While growth for the rural mainstreet economy remains healthy, it slowed a bit in July. What a difference a year makes, for some at least. While drought continues to grip some regions in cattle country, ample and sometimes more-than-ample moisture has returned to others. “Last year at this time, the drought was having a significant negative impact on the rural mainstreet economy. This year, ample moisture has boosted the rural economy and the banker’s economic outlook,” says Ernie Goss , the Jack A. MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. ​ For the future, bankers’ eyes are on Washington . “More than three-fourths, or 77.9%, of bankers think that congressional passage of a new farm bill is important or crucial to the rural mainstreet economy,” he adds. Additionally, energy production has become increasingly important in the rural economy. According to Jim Stanosheck, CEO of State Bank of Odell in Odell, NE, “The area has about 45 wind generators being built in the next six months. This activity should spur the rural economy for the next 6-7 months.” According to a monthly survey of 200 rural bankers in a 10-state region, conditions in rural America are generally good, despite slowing growth in farmland values and predictions for lower farm income this year. Here are the results of the July survey, with 50 indicating growth-neutral. Farming: The farmland-price index (FPI) declined for the seventh time in eight months, falling to 58.2 in July from June’s 58.4. “FPI has been above growth neutral since February 2010. However, lower farm commodity prices and expected declines in farm income are slowing growth in farmland prices. I expect farmland price growth to continue to weaken as a stronger U.S. dollar weighs on agriculture commodity prices,” Goss says. This month, bankers were asked to project farm income for 2013. On average, bankers expect farm income to be down 3% from 2012. Among bank CEOs, 59.6% expect farm income to be down from 2012, while 19.5% anticipate an increase in farm income and the remaining 20.9% expected no change. Farm equipment sales also softened for July, indexing at 50.0, down from June’s 53.2. “Farmers are getting increasingly cautious regarding economic conditions. This has been reflected in declines in our equipment-sales index and in the stock prices of agriculture equipment producers,” Goss reports. Banking: The loan-volume index moved above growth neutral for July, soaring to 75.7 from June’s 66.7. The checking-deposit index advanced to 53.7 from June’s 48.5, while the index for certificates of deposit and other savings instruments increased to a very weak 42.0 from 33.6 in June. Community bankers are more upbeat that Congress will address the increasing concentration of U.S. banking. As reported by Pete Haddeland, CEO of the First National Bank in Mahnomen, MN, “TBTF (too big to fail) is gaining some traction (in D.C.).” Enjoy what you are reading? Subscribe now to BEEF Cow-Calf Weekly for more practical commentary from beef industry blogger Troy Marshall. Bankers were also asked about the impact of the f ederal spending sequester . Only 1.5% reported significant impact, while 34.3% indicated moderate impact; the remaining 64.2% reported no impact from the spending sequestration. Hiring : July’s new hiring index (NHI) declined to a strong 60.7 from June’s 61.4. “Readings over the past several months are consistent with an annualized growth rate in jobs of 1%. Businesses linked to agriculture and energy continue to add jobs at this slow, but positive pace,” Goss says. Confidence: The confidence index, which reflects expectations for the economy six months out, fell to 56.6 from 60.0 in June. “While healthy crop conditions have fortified the economic outlook, recent weaker-than-expected agriculture commodity prices have lowered that outlook,” Goss says. Home and retail sales : The July home-sales index slipped to 76.6 from June’s record high of 78.1. The July retail-sales index slipped to 53.1 from 53.9 in June. “Slightly higher mortgage rates failed to slow the rapidly improving rural mainstreet housing sector,” Goss says. State-by-state outlook Here’s a state-by-state rundown of rural mainstreet economic conditions: Colorado: For a 10th straight month, Colorado’s rural mainstreet index (RMI) remained above 50.0, as July RMI declined to a still robust 70.5 from June’s 81.2. FPI declined to a strong 75.5 from June’s 80.3. Colorado’s NHI for July slipped to 73.0 from June’s 75.7. Bankers reported problems for certain segments of the rural economy. According to Fred Bauer, CEO of Farmers Bank in Ault, “Dairies are still struggling with (high) f eed costs .” Illinois: While RMI declined in July to 57.6 from June’s 61.6, it’s remained above growth neutral for 10 straight months. FPI sank to 49.1 from 49.4 in June, while NHI dipped to 54.3 from 55.2. Iowa: July RMI expanded slightly to 62.3 from June’s 62.2, and FPI advanced to 54.6 from 49.6 in June. July NHI improved to 58.0 from June’s 55.3. As reported by Steven Lane, CEO of Security Savings Bank in Farnhamville, “Most of the crops in our area were planted late. It’s now up to Mother Nature to see if it amounts to much.” Kansas: RMI decreased to 59.2 from June’s 60.5, while FPI sank to 46.6 from June’s 49.6, and NHI decreased to 52.7 from June’s 56.7. Kansas bankers remain hopeful but cautious on the farm economy. Minnesota: RMI tumbled to a 53.4 from June’s 59.7. FPI fell to 51.3 from 58.5 in June, while NHI declined to 55.8 from last month’s 61.2. Pete Haddeland, CEO of the First National Bank in Mahnomen, says the crops look great. Missouri: RMI rocketed to a regional high of 81.2 from June’s 59.2, while FPI remained strong at 78.9, but down from June’s 81.5. NHI rose to 84.2 from June’s 76.7. Nebraska: After moving below growth neutral for January, RMI has moved above growth neutral for six straight months. RMI climbed to 58.0 from 56.5 in June, while FPI fell to 48.5 from June’s 59.2. NHI dipped to 53.9 from June’s 53.7. Weather remains a problem for some parts of the state. Bill McQuillan, president of CNB Community Bank of Greeley, says, “Pasture conditions continue to deteriorate because of the lack of moisture in the last 30 days.” North Dakota: RMI dipped to a 78.4 from June’s 81.8, and FPI declined to 82.4 from June’s 87.6. NHI declined to a still very strong 76.5 from June’s 80.6. South Dakota: RMI slipped to 59.9 from 60.5 in June, while FPI slumped to 50.8 from June’s 51.5, and NHI decreased to 55.5 from June’s 56.5. As in other areas of the region, farm conditions are up significantly from last year. David Callies, CEO of Miner County Bank in Howard, reports that crops are doing very well. Wyoming: RMI rose to 53.0 from June’s 52.6, while FPI grew to 41.9 from June’s 40.8, and NHI to 49.6 from June’s 49.4.   Continue reading

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