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What’s The Role For EM’s After The Sell Off?

: http://www.theasset….l#ixzz2c3ZUo3m7 15 Aug 2013 by Ramin Toloui The past would suggest that periods of underperformance in emerging markets (EM) ultimately could become buying opportunities. Over the past 10 years, quarters in which total returns were negative were followed by quarters of positive returns more than 70% of the time in local currency- and US dollar-denominated EM bonds. This implies that in the past a certain amount of mean reversion has been the norm, in which selling during periods of stress overshoots and is followed by a bounce in prices after the stress subsides. But it is dangerous to rely on simple historical patterns to form an investment thesis in the current environment. The past 10 years have seen an unprecedented decline in global yields. The recent sell-off of course was triggered by concerns that the tapering of large-scale asset purchases by the US Federal Reserve would remove a key source of support for market valuations. Whether or not onebelieves that the market reaction to prospective tapering is overdone, it is clear that after unprecedented intervention in financial markets, the Fed at some point faces the challenge of unprecedented withdrawal. With all these “unprecedenteds” floating around, backward-looking analysis should be treated with caution. Rather, in assessing value in EM bonds, or any asset class for that matter, it is important to anchor investment views within a macroeconomic outlook. The underlying strength of global economic activity ultimately acts as a source of gravity for global yields. Central bank policy rates and quantitative easing programmess will be responsive to growth and inflation dynamics. The interest rates that generate equilibrium between savers and borrowers will be driven by whether those savers are opting to buckle down or spend, and whether those borrowers have appetite to take on additional debt to consume or invest. In short, you cannot answer a question about where yields are going without a view on where the global economy is going. How strong is the global economy? So what is the global macroeconomic outlook? There are definite pockets of strength, some of the most significant of which are in the US. Housing prices rose 12.2% year-over-year in the Case-Schiller 20-city average index in May, and in July, consumer confidence as measured by the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan index reached its highest level in six years, and the ISM purchasing managers index for manufacturing reached a two-year high. But the US economy continues to confront structural challenges that have made sustainable growth elusive. An enduring weakness continues to be what appear to be structural dislocations in the labour market, evident not only in the continuing high rate of total unemployment (7.4% as of July) and long-term unemployment (37% of those unemployed) but also in the apparent inability of the labour market to successfully match job-seekers with sectors of the economy that are hiring. Globally, there are some positive economic indicators, but the overall picture looks tenuous. Industrial indicators, such as sentiment of European purchasing managers, have recovered from the extremely depressed levels of a year ago, but are still hovering around neutral, reflecting the continued squeeze of austerity in Europe, which has bounced off of the bottom but remains mired in a very slow growth regime. Japan is benefiting from the expansionary monetary and fiscal policies of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, but the outlook is clouded by the prospect of a significant fiscal contraction in 2014 when a hike in the value-added tax is due to be implemented. Finally, the large emerging markets are either decelerating or stabilizing at substantially slower rates of growth than 12 months ago. Of particular importance: China is facing its most significant structural growth slowdown since the late 1990s. Cyclical policy tools to boost growth are losing traction. Following the global financial crisis, the Chinese authorities deployed a massive fiscal and credit stimulus which achieved the objective of boosting GDP growth – observe the rise in the credit growth line, followed by the rise in the GDP growth line during 2008-2009. But when Chinese authorities implicitly did the same thing last year, the rise in credit growth did not produce the same boost to GDP. Instead, China’s GDP growth continued to decelerate to 7.5% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2013 – an indication that the credit- and investment-driven economic model is reaching its limits. A pivot away from investment-led, credit-fuelled growth in China and toward household demand powered by rising incomes is a needed change, but achieving that involves difficult domestic reforms and also entails slower growth versus recent years when countries from Australia to Brazil piggybacked on ever-expanding Chinese demand. Emerging market central banks in a low-growth environment Amid these challenges to global growth, central banks throughout the world are likely to remain accommodative despite the pockets of improvement in the economy. In the US, tapering may suggest reduced asset purchases, but that is very different from interest rate hikes, which are unlikely for an extended period amid the still-slow rate of recovery. In Europe and the UK, the European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of England (BOE) surprised the market with commentary aimed at guiding forward interest rate expectations downward. In Japan, the BOJ continues to implement its expanded asset purchase programme. In EM – with a few notable exceptions for countries with weaker balance sheets seeking to defend their currencies – interest rates are likely to remain on hold, and some may even be looking to ease policy. Against this, the sell-off in global bond markets has now embedded expectations of sometimes significant interest rate hikes in yield curves for some EM countries. The table below shows the changes in the policy rate embedded in various EM local bond curves through the end of 2014. Moreover, the term premiums across most EM curves (the slope between the two-year government and 10-year government bond yields) have increased significantly in the past three months, reflecting the increased stress in global markets. Emerging markets: changes in central bank policy rates reflected in yield curves Market implied policy rates changes through year end 2014 (bp) Latin America Eastern Europe/Africa Asia Brazil 262 Hungary 28 Indonesia 178 Colombia 150 Poland 65 Malaysia 22 Mexico 50 Russia -51 Thailand 34 Peru -26 South Africa 146 Turkey 88 As of 8 August 2013 Source: HSBC, PIMCO Buying bonds is all about locking in yields. If the global growth environment remains tentative, it is likely that the interest rate increases priced in most EM local curves will not materialize, making it advantageous for the bond investor to lock in yields now and position to benefit from the carry as well as potential capital appreciation if a revised lower interest rate path compresses yields. Brazil is a good example. Brazil is one of the few EM countries that is hiking interest rates. Responding to headline inflation at the top end of its 4.5% +/- 2.0% target, Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) has already increased policy rates from 7.25% to 8.50% since the beginning of the year. The Brazilian yield curve anticipates that the policy rate will rise another 262 bp to 10.86% by the end of 2014 (as seen in table). Will Brazil hike policy rates by this much? Brazil’s economy remains tepid, with GDP running at around 2% and industrial production growing around 4% YOY. Add the fact that slower Chinese growth is likely to impart a contractionary impulse to Brazil’s economy, which is heavily dependent upon the export of mining and agricultural commodities. While the 15% depreciation of the exchange rate since early May will support some foreign demand for Brazilian exports and boost inflationary pressures that the central bank is seeking to combat, it is unlikely that these would overwhelm other disinflationary factors, unless the global economic picture improves. Buying a Brazilian 10-year government bond that (as of 13 August) yielded 11.43% in local currency terms would have locked in an annual yield differential of 871bp versus a 2.72% yielding 10-year US Treasury, if held to maturity. In thumbnail terms, that would mean that for a Brazilian bond to underperform a US Treasury, the Brazilian real would have to depreciate more than 871bp per year for the next 10 years (a total depreciation of almost 60%) – illustrating the attractiveness of the EM local bond. The alternative case How might the preceding analysis be wrong? That is a question that we are asking ourselves constantly, particularly in the context of a fluid economic and financial market environment. There are three main risks. First, the call on tepid global growth could prove to be too pessimistic. If actual growth is more robust than we expect, then global yields could continue to increase. In particular, if the US economy surprises on the upside, that could produce further increases in US Treasury yields or more rapid Fed tapering, both of which could push global yields higher and produce further strength in the US dollar to the detriment of EM currencies. It certainly helps that the starting point of higher yields on EM bonds means that there is more cushion from carry to absorb increases in yields (and losses from currency in the case of local bonds), but cushion is not the same as immunity. Second, it may be possible that more emerging markets than previously recognized have financial vulnerabilities that prevent them from smoothly navigating a more hostile global growth environment. In fact, this was the “old normal” in emerging markets, where heavily indebted EM countries in the 1990s and early 2000s were compelled to hike interest rates despite sharp economic contractions, in efforts to stem capital flight and avert further currency depreciation that threatened to make foreign currency-denominated debts unsustainable. A critical thesis for investing in EM today – in particular in local currency-denominated bonds – is that most countries have the ability to cut interest rates in a slower global growth environment, because their basic economic stability is not at risk even amid currency depreciation. Clearly, there are some countries that have felt compelled to tighten monetary conditions in an attempt to prevent further currency depreciation. Particularly vulnerable here are countries with large or growing current account deficits, foreign currency mismatches in their assets and liabilities, or relatively thin reserve cushions. Both Turkey and Indonesia have hiked interest rates recently in an attempt to keep foreign capital from withdrawing. India has implemented a variety of new measures affecting the foreign exchange market, targeted at limiting pressure on the rupee. For the most part, however, the major systemically important EM countries fit the profile of “New Normal” flexibility in which policymakers have the freedom to ease monetary conditions into economic weakness. Third, it may be the case that technical factors like the unwinding of large EM positions that were put on with an expectation of continued Fed asset purchases – or an increase in redemptions from EM mutual funds – could cause EM bond prices to continue decreasing in the near term. That is, even if eventually the fundamentals of slower growth were to reassert themselves over EM yields, investors in EM assets could absorb some significant bruises before that happens. This risk is inherently difficult to analyze. Based on our observations, there has been a significant technical element to the sell-off in EM, as well as other asset classes. Positions that were owned by foreign investors tended to be positions that were sold. Positions that were less widely owned by foreign investors tended to perform better, even when those countries had fundamentals that were arguably more precarious. In an environment where many trades – including in EM – are premised on the idea of clipping carry in a world where the Fed continued to provide an unlimited backstop, financial markets will remain vulnerable to the ongoing reassessment of Fed intentions and are liable to lurch on each piece of data or Fed-speak that implies a move in one direction or another. This calls for discretion in the scaling of positions in the face of inherent unknowns about market technicals. Emerging markets assets after the sell-off So, is now the right time to buy? From a fundamental point of view, we see value in the higher yields available on many EM bonds, both in local currency and US dollars. In a global environment characterized by continued concerns about growth – even amid firmer economic indicators – policy interest rates in both developed and emerging countries are poised to stay low. In that context, yields (as of 13 August) of 6.54% on EM local currency government bonds, 5.95% on US dollar-denominated EM sovereign bonds, and 5.73% on US dollar-denominated EM corporate bonds offer advantages to cash and a defined income stream in a world of questionable corporate profit growth. Moreover, we continue to expect a reallocation by global investors away from lopsided allocations to developed countries and into emerging markets to provide support for EM asset prices in the years ahead. On the negative side, we expect that there will be continued volatility in EM assets alongside the continued reconciliation of market positioning with expectations about Fed actions. Even if our view on weaker global growth is correct, it could be negative for EM currencies as softer economic conditions produce less appetite for investors to go abroad. In other words, what is good for EM yields might not be good for EM currencies in the short term. This is especially true of countries with weaker fundamentals (current account deficits, mismatched currency denomination of assets and liabilities, unorthodox policy regimes, and low foreign reserve coverage). These countries are vulnerable on both the interest rate and foreign exchange fronts. Adding this all together, we think that investors should consider using the valuations in EM bonds after the sell-off as an attractive entry point to build positions toward a long-term strategic target, emphasizing strategies with a higher-quality bias. This is premised on the observation that the starting point for most investors is very low exposures to EM bonds – which represent only about 7% of total US mutual fund investments in bonds (and therefore an even lower proportion of overall US investor portfolios), according to EPFR. In a world where large global investors are rotating into EM assets, periods of market weakness provide an opportunity for smaller retail and institutional investors to build toward their strategic allocations, while retaining dry powder for additional purchases should market volatility persist. Ramin Toloui is the global co-head of emerging markets portfolio management at PIMCO Continue reading

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Deere Posts 3Q Record Earnings Of $997 Million

Jennifer DeWitt jdewitt@qctimes.com Deere & Co. Net quarterly net earnings Fueled by strong farm equipment sales, particularly in North and South America, Deere & Co. reported record earnings and sales for the third quarter Wednesday while increasing its forecast for its full-year income. The Moline-based equipment maker announced that net income jumped 26 percent on a 4 percent gain in sales and revenues. Net income for the quarter, ended July 31, was $996.5 million, or $2.56 per share. The results compared with $788 million, or $1.98 per share, for the same period last year. In a conference call with analysts Wednesday, Susan Karlix, Deere’s manager of investor relations, said the quarter marked Deere’s 13th consecutive quarter of record profits. Both sales and net income were the company’s “best-ever results” reported for a third quarter, she said. The results beat Wall Street’s expectations of $2.17 per share. The report sent Deere’s stock down $1.57 in trading Wednesday to $82.34 a share. The Quad-Cities’ largest employer raised its net income forecast for fiscal 2013 to $3.45 billion, up from $3.3 billion forecast three months ago. Company officials said, however, fourth-quarter equipment sales are expected to fall 5 percent against “a tough comparison” last year. “Last year’s fourth-quarter sales were particularly strong, in part because our factories were running at a high rate to catch up with customer orders,” Deere Chairman and CEO Samuel Allen said in a news release. “Even with this difficult comparison, our financial guidance implies a healthy level of income for the coming quarter and a third consecutive year of record results.” He added that the company’s “success is a reflection of considerable strength in the farm sector, especially in North and South America. We also are making further progress executing our wide-ranging operating and marketing plans, which call for expanding our global market presence while keeping a close watch on costs and assets.” Karlix told analysts that the lower forecast for agriculture equipment sales “does not indicate any change in our outlook for demand or global ag fundamentals.” Deere expects U.S. farm cash receipts to go down modestly, “but it still looks like they will be at historic high levels,” Deere spokesman Ken Golden said. “We know cash receipts is the No. 1 predictor of farm equipment sales,” he said, adding that farmers traditionally invest in new equipment when farm receipts are healthy. The company’s forecast predicts total U.S. farm cash receipts for 2014 to be $379.7 billion, down from the 2013 forecast of $389.8 billion. As part of the earnings report, Deere said net income for the first nine months of the year was $2.73 billion, or $6.97 per share, compared with $2.377 billion, or $5.88 per share, last year. Worldwide net sales and revenues increased 4 percent to $10.01 billion for the third quarter and rose 8 percent to $28.345 billion for nine months. In addition to agriculture and turf equipment, Deere manufactures construction and forestry equipment. The company’s financial services division also helped drive results with its 38 percent increase in third-quarter profits. Financial services reported net income of $150 million for the quarter and $407.9 million for nine months, which compared with $110.4 million and $338.6 million last year. Sales of agriculture and turf equipment rose 8 percent in the third quarter and 12 percent for the first nine months on increased prices and higher shipment volumes. Meanwhile, construction and forestry sales decreased 11 percent in the quarter and 8 percent for nine months on lower shipment volumes. Deere now forecasts ag and turf equipment sales to increase about 7 percent for 2013 and construction and forestry equipment sales to decrease by about 8 percent for the year. It predicts total equipment sales to be up about 5 percent for the fiscal year. Crediting Deere’s workforce and business model, Golden said the construction and forestry division “is holding favorable profit levels despite the fact that sales have fallen considerably.” In the release, Allen indicated his optimism for the future. “We continue to believe our investment in new products and capacity will allow Deere to be the provider of choice for a growing global customer base in the years ahead,” he said. “In our view, broad trends based on a growing, more affluent, and increasingly mobile population have ample staying power and should help the company deliver substantial value to its customers, investors and other stakeholders in the future.” The optimism also has reached the dealer level, where at least one Quad-City area John Deere dealer is having “a very good year.” Paul Seyller, the owner of River Valley Turf in Davenport and Silvis, said last year’s drought was hard on his commercial customers and kept homeowners from investing in new lawn equipment. In addition, he said commercial lawn companies were hit last winter by a lack of snow removal jobs, which provides a part of their income. “Now they’ve had a good year of mowing, and they are starting to get cash reserves built up, so in the spring (next year), they will be making more purchases than ever,” he said, adding that this year has been strong with the municipal clients and homeowners. In addition, Deere’s new line of high-performance John Deere Gators is boosting sales. “It’s the most Gators we have sold in our 15 years in business,” Seyller said. Continue reading

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Woodland Values Rise In Line With Timber Demand

Gemma Mackenzie Thursday 08 August 2013 Strong capital appreciation and a buoyant outlook for the long-term timber market continue to drive demand for woodland. Commercial spruce plantation values have typically risen 30% over the past two years and amenity woodland price rises are not far behind, according to chartered surveyor John Clegg & Co. “People are viewing commercial forestry, typically large plantations of spruce in Scotland and the north of England, in a similar way to agricultural land. Long-term capital appreciation is the key driver, with forestry outstripping most other investment classes,” said John Clegg from the company’s Buckinghamshire office. “Investors are also looking at medium- to long-term global commodity prices, which are forecast to rise sharply as the recession ends and global population continues to rise.” Forestry management was more straightforward than agriculture, adding to its attraction, he said. “It also costs less to invest per acre and ticks the same taxation boxes as farmland, provided it can be shown to be commercially managed.” Commercial spruce plantation values averaged £6,000/ha, allowing for open ground and other species, said Edinburgh-based colleague Patrick Porteous. Pure lowland stands near to harvest could fetch £15,000/ha, he added. “For the past five years we have seen phenomenal growth in capital values, around 14% a year, mainly due to the value of timber, which has risen substantially since the early 2000s,” he said. “We have seen a shift in global timber trends with China absorbing a lot of output from Russia, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. Although the UK still imports 65-70% of its timber requirements, rising transport costs and demand from new housing, plus a relatively stable exchange rate, should mean good returns for home-grown spruce.” A looming shortage of domestic supply was fuelling optimism, said Mr Porteous. “We have not seen nearly enough planting since 1988 – as the average rotation is 35 years, UK timber supply is going to tail off.” He believed that created a real opportunity for growers in accessible areas in southern Scotland on marginal land. “A lot of this area is ideal spruce country and growers stand to get very good returns. These plantations also provide good livestock shelter and have been shown to provide an extra month of grass growth.” More remote areas could also cash in. Loch Duagrich Hill, 430ha of highly attractive hill ground on the Isle of Skye, provided a good opportunity for an investor prepared to offer more than £485,000, he said. It had significant Forestry Commission grant income, allowing the new owner to plant and create mixed woodland with hill grazings, stalking and loch fishing. Amenity woodland values generally range from £8,500-20,000/ha, with smaller parcels near population centres and/or with sporting rights at the upper end, added Mr Clegg. “Like farmland, many people like the idea of owning woodland, and smaller blocks of mixed or broadleaved woodland offers lifestyle and amenity benefits,” he said. The 7.44ha Callins Wood, near Minehead, Somerset, at the more commercial end of the scale, was heavily stocked with valuable mature conifers and ready to yield immediate thinning income, he said. It is priced at £100,000 or £13,400/ha. Ash dieback remained the one big unknown in this sector. While prices for woods containing a small percentage of the species were unlikely to be affected, the picture was less certain where ash was more prevalent. “It will depend how much disease is found this autumn – we may see quite an increase in reports as people have become more aware of symptoms. The age of trees is also important – older trees will take several years to be affected and you can still use the timber,” said Mr Clegg. Outlook for timber The latest Timber Bulletin from forestry consultant and management company UPM Tilhill highlights the improving market, underlined by a 4% rise in UK processors’ market share to just under 45% of volume. 
Investment in forestry continues to provide outstanding returns compared to practically any other investment, said timber operations manager Peter Whitfield. In 2012 the return on investment was 18.3%, according to the IPD Annual Forestry Index, and the annualised return over the past 10 years was 16.3%.
 The latest National Forest Inventory Report had taken a more rigorous look at the private forest sector and estimated that overall softwood availability would average 16m cu m a year for 25 years. That, said Mr Whitfield, was an encouraging forecast. “There is no evidence of a shortage, although supply and demand is closely balanced.”
 Although clearance of commercial woodland, for example for heathland restoration and wind farms, was a concern, there was good evidence the level of timber market activity should continue as it has for the past few years. This will be driven by favourable exchange rates, continued investment and growth of domestic processors, available timber and the demand for biomass, said Mr Whitfield. Continue reading

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