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An ‘illegal’ basejump in Dubai

Australian Chris “Douggs” McDougall — who describes himself as a professional base jumper and adventure sports enthusiast on his Facebook page — holds several basejumping and skydiving records, and has previously performed in Dubai. The video, posted on YouTube and McDougall’s Facebook page about a week ago, has attracted almost 10,000 views. It is described as episode 10 of McDougall’s ‘Base Dreams 2013’ series. The video shows McDougall and a female companion in an apartment, just before 6.30am, dressed in jumping gear, prior to high-voltage footage of the pair jumping off the roof balcony. “Half past six in the morning and we’re gonna jump off our penthouse suite. Pretty cool,” McDougall says with a laugh, at the start of the video. The final scene of the video shows not more than 15 minutes has elapsed between leaving and re-entering the apartment. An industry source said the jump was illegal as McDougall did not have permission from any authority in Dubai. There were specific places designated for such jumps, but it was necessary for those wanting to jump from other buildings to get permission from both the building owner and police, the source said. He discouraged anyone else from following suit. Dubai Police CID Investigation Section Director Ahmad Al Marri said police were unaware of the jump.  It is not clear from which building McDougall jumped, though other media reported it was 30 storeys. McDougall told news website 7 Days he did not believe the manoeuvre was “technically illegal” since he was staying in the building. However, various commentators have referenced the illegality of the act, including Vivek Raigaga who said: “this was illegal wasn’t it hahaha”. amanda@khaleejtimes.com Continue reading

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Mohammed asks ministers to face challenges boldly

Mohammed asks ministers to face challenges boldly Staff Reporter / 16 September 2013 His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has issued a bold challenge to all cabinet ministers. “I asked all of them to achieve the first place globally in an area or a competitiveness indicator of their choice over a period of one year,” Shaikh Mohammed said in a Tweet about Sunday’s cabinet meeting, during which he echoed President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s call to double efforts to upgrade government performance, policies and procedures. Shaikh Mohammed in talks with Lt-Gen Shaikh Saif bin Zayed during the Cabinet meeting in Abu Dhabi on Sunday. — Wam Shaikh Mohammed also tweeted his confidence in the country’s ministers to fulfil the directives to make the UAE a competitive global powerhouse. “Life is boring without challenges, and I fully trust in my team’s ability to meet their challenge and lead us to global excellence.” The meeting at the Presidential Palace came peppered with challenges for Cabinet members. “Each of you should set a priority for his ministry to achieve the first position.” Shaikh Mohammed also congratulated students on the commencement of the new academic year. “Pursuing education is the core of our culture and a national duty for all Emiratis.”  He reiterated that the government has been exerting utmost efforts to promote education saying the government wanted education based on innovation and creativity. “The education that will bring up future leaders in all walks of life to follow up the course outlined by the founding fathers.” The Vice-President said education was a passport to the future, where the UAE will be an important player in a global knowledge-based economy. The Cabinet session was attended by Lt.-General Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Shaikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs. The Council of Ministers approved a draft federal law on the amendment of some provisions of the civil procedures law of 1992. The bill aims to achieve justice and required balance between adversaries through several new provisions, such as the introduction of a case management system, enabling the filing of cases at the office of case management or registering them electronically. The new provisions also include the granting of opponents rights to appeal before the court that issued the judgment. The Cabinet also endorsed the Federal Government unified guide for financial procedures in order to streamline all financial operations of the Federal Government based on current financial laws and protection of public funds from risks. It approved the issuance of a federal law in order to eliminate the use of banned substances in horse racing and equestrian and agreed to recall the Federal National Council (FNC) to convene its third session of the 15th legislative chapter. It agreed to the request of the FNC to discuss a topic on protection of the community from drugs. Cabinet also approved the recommendations from the Financial and Economic Committee on the amendment of the federal budget for the 2013 fiscal year. The total requests for financial allocations made by nine federal institutions are more than Dh705.7 million. It also approved the restructuring of the Board of Trustees of The National Human Resource Development and Employment Authority (Tanmia). Regarding international agreements, the Cabinet approved three agreements for air transport with Finland, Uruguay and Niger and approved the second contribution of the UAE to the International Monetary Fund’s Trust Fund for Growth and Reduction of Poverty. -news@khaleejtimes.com Continue reading

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UAE a popular migrant destination: UN report

UAE a popular migrant destination: UN report Staff Reporter / 13 September 2013 The United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom have something in common. Both countries accommodate 7.8 million migrants each, according to a UN report that was released on Wednesday.   Delegates all ears at the the Global Citizen Forum in Dubai on Thursday. — KT photo by Shihab The report supported the fact that more people than ever are living away from their native land. It also stated that the Gulf oil states are perceived as one of the most attractive spots to migrate to. Coinciding with the release of this report, at the Global Citizen Forum in Dubai, 150 key industry professionals and delegates addressed issues on immigration and global citizenship. Joseph Ghossoub, CEO, Menacom Group, spoke at the forum on why, he, the 25th most powerful Arab, needed a second citizenship. Ghossoub said global citizenship here in the UAE improved his life and helped him to excel in his business. “Regardless of how influential you are in the world, we all have to abide by the rules,” he said. Shweta Iyer Bhatnagar, a 32-year-old employee of a PR company, said she moved to Dubai from Chennai four years ago “to escape to a safe place where the family is less interfering”. Sukhmani said work was monotnous back home and her family was pressuring her to get married, but she wanted to move away. “I craved independence — Dubai and the UAE is so safe for women, but also I wanted to earn so the tax-free life is the real lure.” Now, at a self-confessed “better place in her life”, Sukhmani said she has managed to save enough to deposit a downpayment for a 2-BHK flat in India. Having got married last year, her five-year plan is to raise a child here and  “eventually, yes, go back home”. Vergie Castillo, a 43-year old mother of four, said she came to Dubai 12 years ago for “opportunities for my  children”.  Vergie works in a hair-dressing saloon. On her days off, she does the housework in two apartments to earn more money. As a widow and sole provider for her children, she feels she doesn’t have the option to go back home. Once a year, in November, she goes to the Philippines. What keeps her going is that all four of her children have been provided for. She is waiting for her eldest, her son is 18, to start earning after college, and then she might quit one of her jobs here. The UN report said nearly two-thirds of all international migrants live in Europe and Asia, with Europe hosting 72 million and Asia 71 million in 2013. In what is no surprise, the United States came out as the host of the largest number, 45.8 million, and it gained the largest number of international migrants between 1990 and 2013 — nearly 23 million, which is equal to one million additional migrants per year. Russia was second with 11 million international migrants, followed by Germany with 9.8 million, Saudi Arabia with 9.1 million, the UAE and the UK with 7.8 million, France with 7.4 million, Canada with 7.3 million, and Australia and Spain with 6.5 million, it said. news@khaleejtimes.com Continue reading

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