Tag Archives: government
Barriers to expansion need to be removed to boost UK house building
Private house builders in the UK could potentially start building 150,000 new homes in England by 2020 if barriers to expansion like finance are removed, new research shows. Private house builders currently build the majority of new homes in the country and the largest have the capacity to increase output through measured and planned expansion, according to the analysis from real estate firm Savills. The operating margins of major house builders are only just returning to their target, the report says and suggests that better finance availability would allow the medium sized, often regional, house builders to expand. But smaller house builders are not expected to recover back to their former levels but will be able to expand output via niche opportunities and through custom and self build. The data from the report shows that private house building levels have been increasing over the last six years since the economic downturn. Not only are house builders increasing their output to meet demand, they built approximately 45% of all new affordable homes last year. The majority of new homes, 54%, are being built by the 11 largest house builders, that is those building over 2,000 homes a year, and levels of starts have recovered to 20% below their 2007 peak. One third of new homes are being built by medium sized house builders, those who complete 100 to 2,000 homes a year, who are back to the levels of building in 2007. The group that has struggled the most since the downturn are smaller house builders. Although some have expanded to produce more than 100 homes per year to become medium sized, others have stopped registering new homes altogether contributing to a 10% decline in registered house builders in 2014 compared to 2013. The report explains that the government’s Help to Buy Equity Loan and NewBuy schemes supported 30,146 sales of new homes in England in the year to March 2015 and among many of the largest house builders an average of 32% of sales are supported by Help to Buy. ‘We estimate Help to Buy will support 30,000 new home sales per year and our estimate of potential delivery of homes by the private sector up to 2020 relies on its continuation. If Help to Buy comes to an end after its current funding expires in 2020, we are likely to see start volumes tapering off up to two years before the end of the scheme in anticipation,’ the report says. It points out that access to funding is easing for SME house builders and competition among lenders means that the range of choice continues to grow. According to SPF Private Clients, a financial services broker, there are currently 45 different borrowing options available to SME builders. This is in sharp contrast to the very restricted market following the downturn. Big banks which previously preferred to focus on major house builders are now prepared to advance in the region of 60% of the cost of… Continue reading
Call for new housing to match demand for homes in Wales
The Building Societies Association (BSA) has called on all parts of the Welsh housing market to work together to ensure the supply of new housing in Wales keeps up with rising demand. The trade body, which represents all 44 building societies in the UK including the Principality, Swansea and Monmouthshire, made the call as part of its Housing for All conference in Cardiff. Delegates to the conference included local authority representatives, estate agents, developers, housing associations and building societies to discuss the problems and opportunities facing the Welsh housing market. The opening speech at the conference was given by Paul Broadhead, head of mortgage policy at the BSA, who called on the different parts of the market to identify the barriers and opportunities to ensure sufficient housing was provided for future generations within Wales. ‘In Wales there are encouraging signs but the ultimate goal has to be a significant increase in the number of new homes completed each year,’ he said. ‘As mortgage lenders, building societies play their part in fulfilling borrowers’ housing aspirations and as the Help to Buy Wales scheme shows can have a positive effect. But we need action to be taken now to ensure we have sufficient homes for the population of tomorrow,’ he added. The headline speech of the event was made by Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, who pointed out that the government is committed to increasing the supply of homes of all tenures across Wales. ‘We are on track to meet our target of providing 10,000 additional affordable homes, while good progress is also being made on our ambition of supporting the construction and sale of 5,000 homes through Help to Buy Wales,’ Griffiths explained. ‘The sector plays a key role in helping us fulfil our vision for housing in Wales. Through continued partnership working between private, public and third sectors organisations, I am confident we can meet the challenges we face and deliver the additional,’ added Griffiths. Continue reading