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London’s prime property market likely to be attractive regardless of EU vote

The prime property market in London is likely to retain its attractiveness to wealthy international buyers regardless of what happens in the forthcoming referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union. However, prices may soften after April as there has been a demand from buyers of second homes to complete before a new 3% stamp duty surcharge comes into force on 01 April, according to independent property buying agency Black Brick. However, one immediate impact of the prospect of a Brexit, the term coined for the UK leaving the EU, has been to hit sterling. Camilla Dell, managing partner at Black Brick pointed out that between the end of 2015 and late February, UK currency lost 6% against the dollar and, over 18 months, the currency has slid almost 20% against the greenback. ‘This serves to make UK property more attractive to dollar based buyers. As is so often the case, opportunity is the other side of the coin to crisis and, if you add currency moves to the 7% to 7.5% falls we've seen in prices in Knightsbridge, for example, then prices are more than a quarter lower in dollar terms than they were 18 months ago. It's certainly tempting some overseas buyers back into the market,’ she explained. ‘London is going to retain its attractiveness to wealthy international buyers regardless of whether the UK remains in the EU. Its cultural attractions, geographic location, legal system, and concentration of talent mean that there will always be demand for prime central London property,’ said Dell. The firm has seen that with just weeks to go before the introduction of a 3% hike in stamp duty payable on buy to let and second home acquisitions there is a rush among buyers to complete transactions before 01 April. ‘Certainly, for buyers who have had offers accepted, or who have exchanged, there's still time and obvious motivation to get deals signed and sealed before the tax rise. However, we should sound a note of warning as people yet to find the right buy to let investment should weigh up the costs and benefits of trying to rush through deals this late in the day,’ Dell explained. ‘We have seen cases of vendors seeking premiums in exchange for getting transactions done before 01 April, premiums that, in some cases, substantially erode the tax benefit involved. It's also worth bearing in mind that, as with previous increases in stamp duty, we expect this latest rise will feed through into asking prices and would expect prices for buy to let properties to soften after 01 April, as vendors' expectations align themselves with the yields demanded by investors,’ she added. Continue reading

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New homes sales in Australia up by over 3% in January, led by detached properties

New home sales in Australia increased by 3.1% in January with detached properties leading the growth, according to the latest report from the Housing Industry Association. Detached house sales were up by 5.8% while the sale of multi-units dropped by the same amount but there was quite considerable regional variation. Detached house sales increased by 7.9% in Queensland, by 7.3% in Western Australia, by 5.5% in Victoria, by 4.2% in New South Wales, and by 1.3% in South Australia. Meanwhile, the latest data from the Australia Bureau of Statistics shows the number of homes approved fell by 1% in January, continuing a 10 month decline. Approvals decreased in January in the Australian Capital Territory by 11.3%, in the Northern Territory by 9.5%, in New South Wales by 3.5%, in Western Australia by 1.8% and in Tasmania by 1.7%. But they increased by 1.3% in Victoria, by 0.3% in South Australia and by 0.1% in Queensland. Also in trend terms, approvals for private sector houses rose 0.1% in January, while approvals for private sector dwellings excluding houses fell 2.3%. The value of total buildings approved fell 1.8% in January, in trend terms, and has fallen for seven months. The value of residential building fell 2% while non-residential building fell 1.3%. According to HIA chief economist Harley Dale once the current pipeline is exhausted, new home construction activity will soften. ‘This year will be another healthy one for detached house and multi-unit construction, but we won’t surpass the heights of 2015,’ he said. ‘The new home building sector is crucial to Australia’s economic prospects in 2016 and should continue as a mainstay of domestic economic activity. That is provided policy considerations and debates underway now don’t have adverse consequences for confidence towards housing,’ he added. Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in Investment, investments, land, London, News, Property, Real Estate, Shows, Taylor Scott International, TSI, Uk | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New homes sales in Australia up by over 3% in January, led by detached properties

Spanish market remains stable with demand up from foreign buyers

British buyers have contributed the most to a steady growth in overseas buyers demand for property in Spain as the housing market remains stable. According to figures from the College of Property Registrars more than one in 10 properties sold in Spain is now bought by a foreign buyer, including expats and non-residents. Foreign demand as a percentage of the market was 13% last year, fractionally down from 13.5% the year before and foreigners bought 46,000 homes in Spain last year, 12,000 in the last quarter alone. Overall foreign demand was up 11% last year, and 12% in the last quarter, whilst local demand grew by only 7% in the last quarter. British buyers were once again the biggest group of buyers by a large margin with 9,956 acquisitions last year, some 21% of foreign demand last year, followed by the French with 4,116 or 9%, and the Germans with 3,445 or 7%. According to Mark Stucklin, of Spanish Property Insight, what is remarkable is how much British demand surged in the last two quarters of the year, which was not the case with other nationalities. Russian demand declined steadily throughout the year. He said that in both cases the change was influenced by exchange rates, with the Pound strengthening and the Rouble weakening. ‘The big story from last year’s foreign sales figures was the 81% increase in British demand compared to the year before. The British are clearly back to being the dominant force in foreign demand, though not yet as dominant as they were in the boom years,’ Stucklin explained. ‘Low Spanish property prices, down around 50% from the peak, plus a stronger Pound are no doubt fuelling British demand,’ he said but pointed out that fears of the UK leaving the European Union following the forthcoming referendum vote in June creating uncertainty about the UK’s future in Europe, and a weaker Pound in the short term, could encourage British buyers to sit on the sidelines for the next few months. ‘So don’t be surprised if British demand is significantly down in the first quarter of this year when the figures come out,’ he added. At the other end of the scale Russian demand was hammered last year, down 43%, thanks to serious economic problems at home pushing the Rouble down around 16% in the last year, and 50% in the last 3 years, leaving many Russians much poorer. Although the market is recovering in Spain there are still signs that pries and sales are up and down. The latest data from property portal Idealista shows that the average prices of a home in Spain fell by 0.9% in February to €1,583 per square meter. Year on year prices were down 0.8%. Only two of Spain’s regions registered increases in the average price of property with the Canary Islands up 1.5% and the Balearic Islands up 0.3%. In Galicia the prices remained stable, while the biggest declines registered were those… Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in Investment, investments, land, London, News, Property, Real Estate, Shows, Taylor Scott International, TSI, Uk | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Spanish market remains stable with demand up from foreign buyers