Mortgage tax relief change in UK will not deter majority of landlords
Most landlords in the UK plan to continue business as usual despite the recent raft of political changes, including net year’s cut on mortgage payment tax relief, a new survey has found. Four in five landlords have no intention of changing their plans to invest in buy to let properties, despite fears that Brexit would […] The post Mortgage tax relief change in UK will not deter majority of landlords appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Most key cities in the UK seeing house price growth, according to latest index
House prices in key cities in the UK have increased by 8.5% in the year to September 2016 and 1.7% in the third quarter of the year, the latest index shows. This take the average price in the Hometrack cities house price index to £239,100 with 11 cities seeing higher growth than at the start […] The post Most key cities in the UK seeing house price growth, according to latest index appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
New research records large drop in new rental properties in UK towns and cities
Some 40% of key towns and cities across the UK experienced falls in new rental properties being listed in September compared to the previous month, new research shows. There are signs that it is due to landlords being affected by changes in the buy to let sector as eight out of 10 locations which saw […] The post New research records large drop in new rental properties in UK towns and cities appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →