
Average rents down across much of UK month on month in October

Rental growth continues to slow across Great Britain, driven by the South of England with average rents up by just 1% nationally year on year and falling month on month, the latest index shows. This was the slowest increase in October since 2010, meaning that the second half of the year has seen the market […] The post Average rents down across much of UK month on month in October appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in ads, advice, affordability, age, agent, ASA, Asia, average, averge, bedrooms, Brexit, Bristol, build, building, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, challenge, change, Cities, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, confidence, cost, Cyprus, data, England, Europe, finance, Finance Update, first time buyer, first time buyers, fixed rate, flat, Flats, fund, government, growth, home, homes, Hong Kong, house prices, houses, Hunters, Income, Index, innovation, invest, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, Lending, letting, Lettings, lettings agent, Location, London, Manchester, market, mortgage, mortgages, move, moving, national, new, new home, News, North America, ONS, policy, pressure, price, prices, products, Property, property market, purchase, qualifications, record, recovery, rent, rental, Rental Market, renters, renting, rents, research, Residential, sales, Scotland, search, Shows, slowing, standard, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, US, USE, value, Wales | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Average rents down across much of UK month on month in October

London and other global property markets could benefit from Trump election

Property markets around the world could benefit from the election of Donal Trump as the next President of the United States but a lot will depend on how the country’s economy and dollar performs. Experts believe that it could be good news for US investment in the UK property market as London in particular is […] The post London and other global property markets could benefit from Trump election appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in activity, ads, advice, age, agent, agents, ASA, Asia, Australasia, Australia, Brexit, build, building, business, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, change, changes, Cities, commercial, Company News, construction, currency, data, developer, Developers, economists, economy, Election, England, estate agent, estate agents, Europe, finance, Finance Update, fixed rate, fund, global, Global News, growth, home, homes, Hong Kong, Housing, housing market, Hunters, impact, Index, infrastructure, innovation, interest rate, interest rates, international, invest, Investment, investments, investors, Isa, land, Leeds Building Society, lender, lenders, listings, Location, London, market, markets, Middle East, money, mortgage, mortgages, move, national, new, new build, News, North America, office, ONS, Overseas Buyers, payments, pending, policy, poll, president, pressure, price, prices, prime, prime central London, Prime Property, products, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, Property Sales, purchase, qualifications, Real Estate, Remortgage, rent, rental, rents, research, Residential, retired, sales, search, Shows, slowdown, slowing, Stamp Duty, standard, states, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, trend, Trump, TSI, U, Uk, uncertainty, United States, US, USE, value, wealthy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on London and other global property markets could benefit from Trump election

Job concerns and fall in oil prices impacting property markets in Abu Dhabi

The Abu Dhabi residential real estate market saw a slight slowdown in the first half of 2016, mainly due to the decrease in oil prices since the beginning of 2015, according to the latest analysis report. Overall, residential rental rates decreased by 3% on average with high end property rents down by 4% while there […] The post Job concerns and fall in oil prices impacting property markets in Abu Dhabi appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in Abu Dhabi, activity, ads, advice, affordable, age, agent, agents, analysis, Apartments, ASA, average, Brexit, build, building, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, change, Cities, Company News, confidence, data, Demand, developer, Developers, Development, Dubai, economy, Europe, finance, Finance Update, first time buyer, first time buyers, fixed rate, government, growth, guarantee, home, home hunts, homes, houses, Housing, housing market, impact, Index, international, invest, Investment, investments, investors, land, Leasehold, Leeds Building Society, letting, Lettings, lettings market, listings, Location, London, luxury property, Manchester, market, markets, Middle East, million pound, money, mortgage, mortgages, moving, national, new, News, North America, ONS, owners, perception, policy, price, priced, prices, prime, products, projects, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, purchase, quality, Real Estate, record, recovery, rent, rental, Rental Market, rents, research, Residential, review, sales, search, security, sell, sellin, selling, sentiment, shortfall, slowdown, slowing, Spain, standard, Supply, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Towns, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, UAE, Uk, uncertainty, United Arab Emirates, US, USE, value, Villas, women | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Job concerns and fall in oil prices impacting property markets in Abu Dhabi