
Policy changes welcomed by UK lettings industry but landlords still feel battered

New housing policies affecting the private rented sector in the UK have been widely welcomed regarding longer tenancies and clamping down on rogue landlords. But landlords and the industry are warning that they still face tough challenges ahead relating to tax and letting fees and rents could rise at a time when the new Housing […] The post Policy changes welcomed by UK lettings industry but landlords still feel battered appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, afford, affordability, affordable, AGA, age, agent, agents, Ais, analysis, annual, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, association, Auckland, awards, ban, bank, bank of england, bottom, British, build, Build To Rent, Builders, building, built, burden, business, buy, Buy to Let, buying, Cambridge, Central London, challenge, change, changes, choice, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, companies, Company News, consultation, cost, costs, council, councils, country, data, Demand, Deposit, develop, Development, developments, divide, Energy, England, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Estates, Europe, existing, families, family, features, Fees, finance, Finance Update, fines, future, Germany, government, help, hoising, home, home owners, home ownership, homeowner, homeowners, homes, hot, house, house prices, Housing, housing associations, housing market, housing policy, impact, increase, Index, industry, insights, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, investors, Isa, jobs, land, landlord, Landlords, Legal, lender, lenders, letting, letting agent, Letting Agents, Lettings, lettings agent, lettings agents, lettings industry, local authorities, Location, London, low, market, markets, month, mortgage, mortgage rates, mortgage tax relief, mortgages, move, moving, national, need, new, new build, new home, New Homes, News, office, older, omes, ONS, overseas, owner, owners, ownership, permission, plan, Planning, policies, policy, policy change, portfolio, portfolios, price, prices, prime, prime central London, private, private rented sector, products, professionals, propert, properties, Property, property prices, Property Wire, protection, quality, rail, range, rates, regulation, release, rent, rental, Rental Market, rental sector, rentals, rented, renters, renting, rents, research, Residential, Rightmove, rise, rogue, safety, search, security, shared, shortage, Shows, site, slow, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, stock, Supply, survey, target, tax, tax relief, Taylor Scott International, tenancies, tenancy, Tenants, Towns, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< housing, uncertainty, US, USE, value, white paper | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Policy changes welcomed by UK lettings industry but landlords still feel battered

UK Government pledges to build more homes more quickly to buy and rent

New measures to reduce the obstacles to new house building and improve affordability for buyers and tenants have been announced by the UK Government in a much awaited Housing White Paper. The report reveals that more than a third of new homes that were granted planning permission between 2010/2011 and 2015/2016 have yet to be […] The post UK Government pledges to build more homes more quickly to buy and rent appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, afford, affordability, affordable, AGA, age, agent, agents, Ais, annual, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, aspiring, association, Auckland, awards, ban, bank, bank of england, barrier, barriers, bottom, build, Build To Rent, Builders, building, built, buy, Buyers, buying, Canada, Central London, change, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, companies, Company News, completion, construction, consultation, council, councils, country, Custom Build, data, Demand, Design, develop, developer, Developers, Development, developments, divide, Downsize, Energy, England, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Estates, Europe, families, family, features, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, foreign buyers, fund, funding, future, gap, government, green belt, help, home, home building, home owners, home ownership, homes, hot, house, house building, houses, Housing, housing ladder, housing market, housing policy, Income, Index, infrastructure, insights, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, land, land owners, Leasehold, Legal, lender, lenders, letting, letting agent, Letting Agents, loan, Loans, Location, London, low, market, month, mortgage, mortgage rates, move, moving, national, need, new, new home, New Homes, News, North America, obstacles, older, omes, ONS, overseas, owner, owners, ownership, pace, permission, plan, Planning, policies, policy, price, prices, prime, prime central London, private, products, propert, properties, Property, property market, property prices, Property Wire, protection, purchase, range, rates, release, rent, rented, renters, renting, rents, research, Residential, review, Rightmove, rise, rules, rural, sales, saving, savings, search, security, shared, shortage, Shows, site, slow, standard, start, starter homes, states, stations, Supply, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, tenancies, Tenants, Transactions, transparency, transport, TSI, U, Uk, US, USE, value, Vancouver, white paper, young people | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on UK Government pledges to build more homes more quickly to buy and rent

Property prices in UK dipped at start of 2017, latest index shows

Property prices in the UK fell by 0.9% in January and the annual rate of growth slowed from 6.5% in December to 5.7% in the first month of 2017, the latest index shows. But prices were 2.4% higher in the last three months from November to January than in the preceding three months, the data […] The post Property prices in UK dipped at start of 2017, latest index shows appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, afford, affordability, AGA, age, agent, agents, Ais, annual, approval, approvals, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, association, Auckland, average, average price, awards, ban, bank, bank of england, bigger, bottom, Brexit, build, building, bust, buy, Buyers, buying, Canada, Central London, change, changes, choice, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, consumer, cost, country, data, Demand, divide, Downsize, earnings, economic, economist, Energy, England, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Estates, Europe, extension, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, flat, for sale, foreign buyers, fund, funding, future, government, growth, halifax, help, home, home owners, homes, hot, house, house prices, Housing, housing market, increase, Index, insights, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, investors, land, Leasehold, Legal, lender, lenders, letting, letting agent, Letting Agents, Location, London, low, market, month, monthly, mortgage, mortgage rates, move, moving, national, new, new home, New Homes, News, North America, official figures, older, omes, ONS, overseas, owner, owners, pace, pending, permission, plan, Planning, policy, pressure, price, prices, prime, prime central London, products, propert, properties, Property, property market, property prices, Property Sales, Property Wire, quarterly, range, rates, Real Estate, release, rent, renters, rents, research, Residential, Rightmove, rise, rises, sales, Scotland, search, sell, shared, shortage, Shows, site, slow, spending, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, steady, Supply, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK< property, uncertainty, US, USE, value, Values, Vancouver | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Property prices in UK dipped at start of 2017, latest index shows