
Buy to let sector disappointed by UK Chancellor’s failure to address their concerns

There was disappointment for buy to let landlords in the UK when Chancellor Philip Hammond did nothing for the lettings sector when delivering his Spring Budget. It had been hoped that he might re-visit the extra 3% in stamp duty imposed by his predecessor last year on additional homes and that he might also reconsider […] The post Buy to let sector disappointed by UK Chancellor’s failure to address their concerns appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, activity, ads, Advertising, advice, afford, AGA, age, agent, ales, America, ASA, association, average, awards, ban, borrowers, bottom, budget, build, Build To Rent, Builders, buy, Buy to Let, buy to let market, Buyers, buying, Central London, chancellor, change, changes, choice, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, cost, costs, data, deal, develop, Development, Energy, Entertainment, Equity, estate, Estates, Europe, family, features, Fees, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, for sale, fund, future, government, high speed, home, home builder, home builders, home lending, home owners, home ownership, homes, hot, Housing, housing market, Hunters, impact, increase, Index, industry, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Ireland, Isa, land, landlord, Landlords, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, lets, letting, letting fees, Lettings, lettings agent, Location, London, low, market, markets, money, month, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, need, negative equity, new, new home, News, North America, office, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, owners, ownership, permission, plan, Planning, policy, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, private, private rented sector, products, propert, properties, Property, property industry, Property Tax, Property Wire, rail, rates, reduced, reform, regional, release, Remortgage, remortgages, rent, rental, Rental Market, rental sector, rented, renters, renting, rents, report, research, Residential, review, rise, rises, rules, sales, search, second steppers, shared, Shows, site, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, Supply, support, survey, target, tax, tax relief, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< housing, UK< property, US, USE, value, white paper | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Buy to let sector disappointed by UK Chancellor’s failure to address their concerns

Most landlords in UK understand regulatory and tax changes

Two thirds of buy to let landlords in the UK understand that their ability to offset mortgage interest payments against tax is being scaled back by the government, new research has found. Almost one in five plan to raise rents to alleviate the effects and one in 10 say they are planning to exit the […] The post Most landlords in UK understand regulatory and tax changes appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, Advertising, advice, afford, AGA, age, agent, agents, Ais, ales, America, applications, ASA, average, awards, ban, borrowers, borrowing, bottom, British, build, Builders, built, business, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, change, changes, choice, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, cost, council, data, deal, develop, Development, Energy, Equity, estate, Estates, Europe, family, features, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, for sale, future, global, Global News, government, home, home builder, home builders, home lending, home owners, hot, impact, Income, income tax, increase, Index, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, land, landlord, Landlords, landords, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, letting, letting agent, Letting Agents, Lettings, limit, Location, London, low, market, mayor, mortgage, mortgage payments, mortgage rates, mortgage tax relief, mortgages, move, movers, moving, negative equity, new, new home, News, North America, older, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, owners, ownership, payments, permission, plan, Planning, policy, poll, portfolio, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, Prime Property, products, propert, properties, Property, property prices, Property Wire, rates, reduced, reform, release, Remortgage, remortgages, rent, renters, rents, report, research, Residential, review, rise, rises, sales, saving, search, second steppers, sell, shared, short term, Shows, site, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, support, survey, target, tax, tax relief, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, US, USE, value | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Most landlords in UK understand regulatory and tax changes

Remortgages increased share of home lending market in UK last year

There was a definite shift in borrowing type in the UK housing market last year with remortgage business increasing in each quarter, new data shows. There was a 7% rise in remortgage borrowing with this sector accounting for 39% of all mortgages handled, according to the latest financial advisors confidence tracking index report from Paragon […] The post Remortgages increased share of home lending market in UK last year appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, activity, ads, Advertising, advice, afford, affordability, AGA, age, agent, agents, ales, America, ASA, average, awards, ban, borrowers, borrowing, bottom, build, Builders, business, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, cap, capital, Central London, change, changes, choice, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, confidence, council, data, deal, detached, develop, Development, Energy, England, Equity, estate, Estates, Europe, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, fixed rate, for sale, future, global, Global News, growth, home, home builder, home builders, home lending, home owners, homes, hot, Housing, housing market, Income, increase, Index, industry, insight, interest, interest only, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, land, landlord, Landlords, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, letting, letting agent, Letting Agents, Lettings, limit, loan, Loans, Location, London, low, market, mayor, month, monthly, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, negative equity, new, new home, News, North America, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, owners, permission, plan, Planning, policy, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, Prime Property, products, propert, properties, Property, property prices, Property Wire, quarterly, rates, reduced, release, Remortgage, remortgages, rent, rental, renters, report, research, Residential, review, rise, rises, rules, sales, search, second steppers, shared, short term, Shows, site, slow, sold, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, statistics, support, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, US, USE, value, volumes, Wales | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Remortgages increased share of home lending market in UK last year