
Best rental yields for buy to let landlords are in north east of England

Blackburn in the north west of England has been named the top area for greatest rental yield growth for residential landlords in the UK, followed by Carlisle, also in the north west of the country. Average rental yields in the town increased from 4.13% to 5.69%, an increase of 37.8% and it is also the […] The post Best rental yields for buy to let landlords are in north east of England appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in affordable, age, Brexit, building, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Cities, data, Demand, England, Europe, global, growth, halifax, home, homes, Housing, housing market, Index, invest, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, lender, Lending, Location, London, market, mortgage, moving, new, new home, New Homes, News, office, ONS, Outlook, policy, prices, projects, Property, property market, rent, rentals, rents, Residential, sales, Scotland, sentiment, Shows, Supply, Taylor Scott International, tenancy, Tenants, Towns, Transactions, TSI, Uk, US, USE, Wales, Yields | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Best rental yields for buy to let landlords are in north east of England

Rents in Dubai fell less than expected due to developers holding back

Rents in Dubai have fallen less than expected as developers slowed the pace of project completions and hand overs due to a projected oversupply, according to a new analysis report. As a result apartment rents have fallen by 2% on average and villa rents by less than 1% since the beginning of the year yet […] The post Rents in Dubai fell less than expected due to developers holding back appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in affordable, Asia, Australasia, Brexit, building, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, completion, Developers, Dubai, Europe, government, growth, home, home owners, homes, houses, Housing, Index, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, Legal, letting, London, market, Middle East, mortgage, move, moving, new, New Homes, New Zealand, News, obstacles, office, ONS, Outlook, owners, ownership, Paris, Planning, policy, prices, prime, Prime Property, projects, Property, property market, purchase, Real Estate, regional, rent, rents, research, Residential, sales, saving, Scotland, Shows, Supply, survey, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, Uk, US, USE | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rents in Dubai fell less than expected due to developers holding back