
Global office property markets resilient despite economic and political uncertainty

The fundamentals of the global office market are resilient with leasing volumes at their highest level for 2016 in the final quarter of the year with growth of 6%, the latest analysis shows. For the full year, leasing volumes were down modestly by only 3% on the robust levels of 2015, according to the report […] The post Global office property markets resilient despite economic and political uncertainty appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, accommodation, activity, ads, Advertising, advice, AGA, age, ales, America, Americas, analysis, annual, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, average, awards, ban, borrowers, bottom, Brexit, build, building, bust, buy, buyer, Buyers, buying, Canada, Central London, challenge, change, choice, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, completion, completions, construction, cost, costs, data, deal, Demand, Deposit, develop, Development, earn, earning, earnings, economic, economy, Election, employment, Energy, England, England Wales, Equity, Equity Release, estate, Estates, Europe, family, features, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, flat, forecast, fund, future, gap, global, Global News, growth, home, home building, home owners, hot, increase, Index, industry, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, international, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, JLL, land, lease, leasing, Legal, lender, lenders, Location, London, low, market, markets, month, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, national, new, News, North America, office, Offices, older, ONS, overseas, owner, owners, Paris, permission, plan, Planning, policy, politics, president, pressure, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, products, project, propert, properties, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, Property Wire, rates, Real Estate, recovery, reduced, regions, regulation, release, Remortgage, rent, rental, rental growth, rents, report, research, Residential, Rics, rise, rises, river, sales, saving, Scotland, sea, search, shared, shortage, Shows, site, skills, slow, standard, start, states, support, survey, Sydney, take up, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, technology hubs, Tenants, Transactions, trend, trends, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, uncertainty, United States, US, USE, value, volumes, Wales, work, worldwide | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Global office property markets resilient despite economic and political uncertainty

Home building industry body opposes proposed planning fee rises in Scotland

The home building industry in Scotland is opposing proposals to increase the maximum fees for major planning applications of 570 or more houses to £125,000. A consultation is open until 04 April 2017 on the proposals which also would increase fees for planning permission in principal to £62,500 and is considering wider changes to the […] The post Home building industry body opposes proposed planning fee rises in Scotland appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, accommodation, ads, Advertising, advice, afford, affordable, AGA, age, ales, America, applications, ASA, average, awards, ban, borrowers, bottom, Brexit, build, Builders, building, buy, buyer, Buyers, buying, Canada, Central London, change, changes, choice, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, construction, consultation, cost, costs, data, deal, decisions, Deposit, develop, developer, Developers, Development, developments, earn, earning, earnings, Energy, England, England Wales, Equity, Equity Release, estate, Estates, Europe, expensive, family, features, Fees, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, future, global, Global News, government, growth, guarantee, help, home, home building, home owners, homes, hot, house, houses, Housing, Income, increase, Index, industry, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, land, lease, Legal, lender, lenders, Location, London, low, market, mayor, month, mortgage, mortgages, move, movers, moving, need, new, new home, New Homes, News, North America, older, omes, ONS, overseas, owner, owners, permission, plan, Planning, planning fees, policy, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, private, products, project, propert, properties, Property, property market, property prices, Property Wire, quality, range, rates, recovery, reduced, reform, release, Remortgage, rent, report, research, Residential, review, Rics, rise, rises, rules, sales, San Francisco, saving, Scotland, sea, search, shared, shortage, Shows, site, skills, slow, standard, start, states, support, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, US, USE, value, viewing, Wales, work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Home building industry body opposes proposed planning fee rises in Scotland

Equity release becoming more mainstream for home owners in UK

A record breaking year for equity release in the UK in 2016 saw lifetime mortgages become the fastest growing product in terms of customer numbers, according to the data. The volume of lifetime mortgage customers grew by 22% in 2016 with a total of 27,534 new plans agreed, the figures from the spring 2017 equity […] The post Equity release becoming more mainstream for home owners in UK appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, accommodation, ads, Advertising, advice, AGA, age, ales, America, annual, ASA, average, awards, ban, borrowers, borrowing, bottom, Brexit, build, building, buy, Buy to Let, buyer, Buyers, buying, Canada, cap, capital, Central London, change, choice, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, construction, consumer, consumers, council, data, deal, Demand, Deposit, develop, Development, earn, earning, earnings, Energy, England, England Wales, Equity, Equity Release, estate, Estates, Europe, expensive, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, fund, future, global, Global News, growth, help, home, home building, home owners, homeowner, homeowners, homes, hot, Housing, Income, increase, Index, industry, Inheritance, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Isa, land, lease, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, Location, London, low, market, month, monthly, mortgage, mortgage market, mortgages, move, movers, moving, new, News, North America, older, omes, ONS, overseas, owner, owners, payments, pensioners, permission, plan, Planning, policy, price, prices, prime, prime central, prime central London, products, propert, properties, Property, property market, property prices, Property Wire, protection, purchase, range, rates, record, recovery, reduced, release, Remortgage, rent, report, research, Residential, retired, retirement, Rics, rise, rises, sales, San Francisco, saving, Scotland, sea, search, shared, shortage, Shows, site, skills, standard, start, states, support, survey, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< home owners, UK< homes, US, USE, value, Wales, water, wealth, work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Equity release becoming more mainstream for home owners in UK