
Trend of short term rents not impacting on US housing market, says new research

Short term home rentals such as those offered in the internet via companies like HomeAway and Airbnb do not have a meaningful and large impact on housing affordability in the United States. The latest quarterly house price expectations survey from real estate firm Zillow and Pulsenomics found that nearly all respondents did not think the […] The post Trend of short term rents not impacting on US housing market, says new research appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, affordability, affordable, age, applications, ASA, Asia, average, ban, boom, Brexit, bubble, build, building, bust, buy, Buy to Let, buying, Central London, change, changes, Cities, coast, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, data, Demand, economist, economists, estate, Europe, family, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, flat, for sale, forecast, growth, home, home owners, homes, Hong Kong, Housing, housing market, Hunters, impact, Income, Index, interest, internet, invest, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, lender, Lending, Location, London, market, markets, monthly, mortgage, mortgages, move, moving, new, new home, New Homes, News, North America, ONS, Outlook, owner, owners, Planning, policy, prediction, predictions, price, prices, pries, prime, Prime Property, products, propert, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, Property Sales, qualifications, quarterly, rates, Real Estate, Remortgage, rent, rental, rentals, renters, rents, research, Residential, Rics, sales, search, Shows, Spain, Stamp Duty, standard, states, Supply, survey, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< housing, UK< property market, uncertainty, United States, US, USE, value, Values | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Trend of short term rents not impacting on US housing market, says new research

Prime property rents in central London more affordable, latest report shows

Higher activity levels in the prime rental property market in central London have put downwards pressure on rental values, which has boosted affordability for tenants, according to the latest analysis. It mean that the negotiation position of tenants in this lettings sector has strengthened over the course of this year and the number of tenancies […] The post Prime property rents in central London more affordable, latest report shows appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, activity, ads, advice, affordability, affordable, age, analysis, applications, ASA, Asia, average, ban, bank, banks, boom, Brexit, bubble, build, building, bust, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, change, changes, Chelsea, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, cost, data, Demand, Election, England, estate, Europe, family, finance, Finance Update, fines, flat, for sale, forecast, future, global, Global News, growth, home, home owners, homes, Hong Kong, Housing, housing market, Hunters, impact, Index, interest, invest, Investment, investments, Kensington, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, lender, Lending, letting, Lettings, Location, London, market, markets, mortgage, mortgages, move, moving, new, new home, New Homes, News, North America, ONS, owner, owners, policy, prediction, predictions, pressure, price, prices, prime, prime central London, Prime Property, products, propert, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, Property Sales, qualifications, Real Estate, record, Remortgage, rent, rental, rental growth, rental values, rents, research, Residential, river, sales, search, sell, Shows, slowdown, Spain, Stamp Duty, standard, states, stress tests, Supply, tax, Taylor Scott International, tenancies, Tenants, Transactions, trend, trends, Trump, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< property market, uncertainty, United States, US, USE, value, Values, viewings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Prime property rents in central London more affordable, latest report shows

Lack of new homes for sale in UK not getting any better

The lack of supply in the UK housing sales market looks set to continue with the latest figures showing that across the country new property listings fell by 11.9% in November, the biggest drop this year. It was even worse in London where supply fell by 18.3% with just two of the London boroughs seeing […] The post Lack of new homes for sale in UK not getting any better appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, age, agent, agents, applications, ASA, Asia, Auckland, Australasia, ban, boom, boroughs, Brexit, bubble, build, Build To Rent, building, bust, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, change, changes, Chelsea, Cities, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, data, Demand, Election, England, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Europe, family, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, for ale, for sale, growth, halifax, home, home owners, homes, Hong Kong, house prices, houses, Housing, Hunters, Index, interest, invest, Investment, investments, investors, Kensington, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, lender, Lending, listings, Location, London, market, markets, mortgage, mortgages, move, moving, new, new home, New Homes, News, office, ONS, owner, owners, policy, prediction, predictions, price, prices, products, propert, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, Property Sales, qualifications, Remortgage, rent, research, Residential, sales, search, sell, Sellers, Shows, slowdown, Spain, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, Supply, tax, Taylor Scott International, Towns, Transactions, Trump, TSI, U, Uk, UK home, UK< property market, United States, US, USE, value | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Lack of new homes for sale in UK not getting any better