Tougher lending criteria and tax change set to affect majority of UK landlords
The majority of landlords in the UK believe they will be affected by the new tougher mortgage affordability tests and by income tax changes due to be introduced in April of this year. Some 60% said they believe they will be directly affected by income tax relief changes but 29% said that they would not, […] The post Tougher lending criteria and tax change set to affect majority of UK landlords appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
CML publishes more pessimistic outlook for home lending in UK in 2017
The Council of Mortgage Lenders, which represents the vast majority of home lenders in the UK, has revised its forecast for 2017 downwards from previous expectations of a year ago. It say that the change reflects economic uncertainties as well as new tax burdens and regulatory changes in the housing and mortgage markets but it […] The post CML publishes more pessimistic outlook for home lending in UK in 2017 appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Economic performance set to dictate property markets in Asia Pacific in 2017
The Asia Pacific region has seen huge variation when it comes to residential property in 2016 and looking ahead to 2017 experts predict economic performance and policy will have the biggest effects. Overall China dominated the headlines with residential markets in tier-1 and tier-2 cities continuing to see extremely strong price growth, to such an […] The post Economic performance set to dictate property markets in Asia Pacific in 2017 appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →