Majority of UK landlords not planning to buy or sell property in next five years
The majority of residential landlords in London and elsewhere in the UK do not intend to buy or sell more properties to let in the next five years, new research has found. Three quarters are not planning change but of those who are some 13% in London plan to buy more properties and 9% to […] The post Majority of UK landlords not planning to buy or sell property in next five years appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
British agricultural land values set to rise 5.5% over next five years
The value of farm land in Britain has increased by 149% in the last decade and growth of 5.5% is forecast for the next five years. Overall the land market in the countryside is looking at sustained steady growth in the long term, according to the agricultural land market survey from property firm Savills. For […] The post British agricultural land values set to rise 5.5% over next five years appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Strong growth in Spanish property market set to continue into 2017
The Spanish property market grew by 14% in 2016, the biggest increase in sales of homes since the run up to the last real estate boom, new figures show. The data from the National Institute of Statistics show there were 362,182 home sales recorded on the Spanish property register in 2016, up 14% year on […] The post Strong growth in Spanish property market set to continue into 2017 appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →