lettings agent
Poll suggests 40% of landlords set to raise rents if they have to pay agent admin fees
Some 40% of residential landlords plan to increase rents if they are left to pick up the cost of the ban on letting agents charging fees in England, a new poll has found. Only a third of the respondents questioned said that they would definitely not raise their rents, meaning that potentially two thirds of […] The post Poll suggests 40% of landlords set to raise rents if they have to pay agent admin fees appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Ban on letting agent fees divides UK rental industry
Opinion is divided over whether or not the decision to ban letting agent fees in England is a good move for the private rental market. The announcement by Chancellor Philip Hammond that the ban will be introduced as soon as possible was met with dismay by letting agent and landlord organisations who warned that agents […] The post Ban on letting agent fees divides UK rental industry appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Analysis suggests ban on lettings fees will not have major finance impact for landlords
Private sector landlords in the UK are not facing large extra costs due to the new ban on letting agent fees with the financial impact amounting to around £25 a month on average, according to new research. If letting agents pass on the cost to landlords it will amount to a loss of just 0.14% […] The post Analysis suggests ban on lettings fees will not have major finance impact for landlords appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →