lettings agent
More buy to let landlords set to become limited companies ahead of April tax change
With buy to let landlords looking to increase their portfolios in 2017 facing tax changes from April, it is likely that more will set themselves up as limited companies with the aim of being more tax efficient. Already more buy to let mortgage applications are being made via limited companies but experts are warning that […] The post More buy to let landlords set to become limited companies ahead of April tax change appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Residential rents up by almost 4% in England and Wales year on year
Rents increased in England and Wales by 3.9% in the 12 months to November 2016 taking the average rent to £830 a month, the latest index data shows. London remained the most expensive place to rent a property with rents reached a new high of £1,295 per month, according to the Your Move index. But […] The post Residential rents up by almost 4% in England and Wales year on year appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Surveyors forecast UK house prices will rise by 3% in 2017
House prices in the UK will see an average increase of 3% over the course of 2017 and sales numbers are likely to stabilise, according to surveyors. But the shortage of supply will continue and this could be the main driver behind higher prices while rents are expected to increase by up to 3%, says […] The post Surveyors forecast UK house prices will rise by 3% in 2017 appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →