
Fewer landlords put up rents in UK last month but agents still expect rises next year

Fewer residential tenants in the UK saw their rents rise in November but eight in 10 lettings agents expect rents to rise in 2017, new research has found. Overall some 16% of tenants experienced rent increases last month, down from the 18% recorded in October, according to the latest monthly report from the Association of […] The post Fewer landlords put up rents in UK last month but agents still expect rises next year appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, affordable, age, agent, agents, ASA, autumn statement, ban, Brexit, build, building, bust, buy, Buy to Let, buy to let market, Buyers, buying, capital, chancellor, change, changes, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, confidence, cost, costs, data, Demand, developer, Developers, England, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Europe, family, Fees, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, growth, help, home, home owners, homes, house, Housing, housing ladder, impact, Index, India, interest, invest, Investment, investments, investors, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, lender, Lending, letting, Letting Agents, Lettings, lettings agent, lettings agents, Location, London, market, markets, month, monthly, mortgage, mortgage rates, mortgages, move, moving, new, News, North America, ONS, owner, owners, policy, price, prices, products, projects, propert, Property, property market, Property Sales, rates, record, rent, rent rises, rental, Rental Market, rentals, rents, research, Residential, rises, sales, Scotland, search, Second Homes, Shows, slowing, Stamp Duty, standard, start, steady, Supply, survey, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, UK< rent, US, USE, value | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Fewer landlords put up rents in UK last month but agents still expect rises next year

High rents, prices and mortgage rates denting property market confidence in US

The majority of households believes now is a good time to buy a home but confidence has retreated by a considerable amount amongst renters, according to the latest survey from the National Association of Realtors. Some 57% of renters said now is a good time to buy, down from 60% in September and 68% a […] The post High rents, prices and mortgage rates denting property market confidence in US appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, affordability, affordable, age, agent, agents, ASA, Asia, Auckland, Australasia, ban, Brexit, build, Builders, building, bust, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, change, changes, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, confidence, controls, cost, data, Demand, developer, Developers, economic, economist, economy, Election, estate, estate agent, estate agents, Europe, existing, existing sales, expensive, family, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, for sale, forecast, fund, funds, growth, help, home, home builder, home builders, home owners, home ownership, homes, house, Housing, housing ladder, housing market, impact, Income, Index, India, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, Ireland, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, lender, Lending, letting, Lettings, Location, London, market, markets, month, mortgage, mortgage rates, mortgages, move, moving, national, new, News, North America, ONS, Outlook, owner, owners, ownership, policy, price, prices, prime, products, projects, propert, Property, property market, property prices, Property Sales, propety, range, rates, Real Estate, realtor, realtors, rent, renters, rents, research, Residential, sales, Scotland, search, sell, Sellers, Shows, standard, start, states, steady, Supply, survey, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, trend, TSI, U, Uk, United States, US, USE, value | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on High rents, prices and mortgage rates denting property market confidence in US

Rents in UK set to rise by 15% over next three years, agents suggest

Rents in England are set to rise by 15% over the next three years but the amounts will vary from region to region, according to a new forecast. Agents are predicting that rents are likely to rise faster than house prices as landlords find ways of coping with extra costs due to ta changes, tougher […] The post Rents in UK set to rise by 15% over next three years, agents suggest appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, advice, affordability, affordable, age, agent, agents, ASA, Asking Prices, average, ban, Brexit, Bristol, build, building, business, businesses, bust, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, change, changes, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, confidence, construction, controls, cost, costs, data, Demand, Deposit, developer, Developers, England, Europe, families, family, Fees, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, flat, Flats, forecast, franchise, government, growth, help, home, homes, house, house prices, houses, Housing, housing ladder, impact, Index, India, interest, invest, Investment, investments, Ireland, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, lender, Lending, letting, Letting Agents, Lettings, lettings agent, lettings agents, Location, London, market, markets, millions, mortgage, mortgage tax relief, mortgages, move, moving, new, News, North America, office, Offices, ONS, Outlook, policies, policy, poll, prediction, predictions, price, prices, private, private rented sector, products, professionals, projects, propert, Property, Property Sales, quality, rent, rent rises, rental, rental sector, rented, rents, research, Residential, residential confidence, rises, rogue, sales, Scotland, search, Shows, Stamp Duty, standard, start, Supply, tax, tax relief, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, UK< rent, US, USE, value, Wales, workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rents in UK set to rise by 15% over next three years, agents suggest