Home lending in UK fell in August but experts say it is a normal seasonal trend

Taylor Scott International News

Lending to first time buyers, home movers, home owner remortgage and buy to let borrowers in the UK in August but levels are still higher than a year ago, the latest data from the Council of Mortgage Lenders shows. Bob Pannell, CML chief economist said that this is a normal seasonal trend, with August typically less strong for mortgage completions and the underlying picture is of improvement in lending levels on a year by year basis. ‘Seasonal factors pushed all categories of lending lower in August compared to July. However, the mortgage market continues to see year on year growth, and we expect this to continue over the coming months,’ he added. A breakdown of the figures shows that lending fell by volume and by value for the first time since April this year. However, this was the third consecutive month that lending for house purchase increased year on year by volume and by value. Pannell pointed out that it was the highest house purchase lending activity level for the month of August since August 2007. However, volume levels this month were still only 60% of what they were in August 2007. Overall in August, home owner loans for house purchase accounted for 57% of gross lending, the same as in July, while remortgage activity accounted for 21% compared to 24% in July. Home owner loans as a share of gross lending have increased since the New Year while remortgage activity has edged down. Buy to let lending as a proportion of total gross lending remained at 17%, a consistent level since the beginning of the year, but up from 13% in the same period last year. First time buyers accounted for 44% of total house purchase lending volumes, a much higher proportion than pre-crisis levels of 30% of the number of loans for house purchase and it was the highest monthly first time buyer lending level by volume and by value in the month of August since 2007, but the number of loans was only 78% of the August 2007 levels. The proportion of first time buyer gross household monthly income in August to service capital and interest payments stayed the same month on month at 18.5%, but remained considerably lower than 19.7% in August last year, and much lower than the most recent high of 24.8% in December 2007. This was the highest home mover lending level by volume and by value in the month of August since 2007, although this month's volume levels are still only 51% of the volume levels in August 2007. Home movers spent 18.1% of their monthly gross household income to pay capital and interest repayments, up slightly on last month but down on the same period last year. Like first time buyers, this is still much lower than the most recent peak of 23.8% in December 2007. Remortgage activity dropped month on month in August 17% by volume and 18% by… Taylor Scott International

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