More buy to let landlords set to become limited companies ahead of April tax change
With buy to let landlords looking to increase their portfolios in 2017 facing tax changes from April, it is likely that more will set themselves up as limited companies with the aim of being more tax efficient. Already more buy to let mortgage applications are being made via limited companies but experts are warning that […] The post More buy to let landlords set to become limited companies ahead of April tax change appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Glut of unsaleable new homes in Spain down by 20% in 2016
A glut of homes built in Spain during the boom housing years before the crash of 2007 which have been difficult to sell is steadily falling but some will never sell, according to new research. Some of the houses may end up being demolished but the glut is now non-existent in several areas of the […] The post Glut of unsaleable new homes in Spain down by 20% in 2016 appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Overseas investors boosted central London office market after Brexit vote
Central London’s office investment market has seen a strong 2016 with total turnover expected to reach more than £16.8 billion, some 20% ahead of the long term average. The research from real estate firm Savills also shows that the 2016 total is likely to be only 15% down on 2015, one of the strongest years […] The post Overseas investors boosted central London office market after Brexit vote appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →