
Property prices bottoming out in Dubai but rents still falling

Prices of property in Dubai were largely unchanged over the fourth quarter of 2016 with the market likely to be driven by owner occupiers and long term investors, according to the latest analysis report. Meanwhile, an increase in supply is likely to put downward pressure on rents in the emirate with rentals for both apartments […] The post Property prices bottoming out in Dubai but rents still falling appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, Advertising, advice, AGA, age, Ais, America, analysis, Apartments, ASA, average, awards, ban, bank, bank of england, bottom, Brexit, broadband, build, building, buildings, buy, Buyers, buying, change, choice, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, data, Demand, develop, developer, Developers, Development, divide, Dubai, emirate, Energy, England, estate, Estates, existing, existing home, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, forecast, future, gap, government, growth, home, home building, homes, hot, house, houses, Housing, housing market, impact, Income, increase, Index, infrastructure, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, investors, land, landlord, Landlords, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, Location, London, low, luxury, marekt, market, Middle East, month, mortgage, mortgage rates, mortgages, move, movers, moving, new, new home, News, North America, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, owners, pending, permission, plan, Planning, policy, pressure, price, prices, products, project, projects, propert, properties, Property, property marekt, property prices, Property Sales, Property Wire, range, rates, Real Estate, record, release, rent, rent rises, rental, rental rates, rentals, rents, report, research, Residential, retail, rise, rises, rural, sales, search, sentiment, shared, Shows, site, spending, standard, start, states, stock, Supply, survey, take up, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, UAE, Uk, US, USE, value, Villas, villlas, Yields | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Property prices bottoming out in Dubai but rents still falling

Brexit hits UK rural land market with demand, rents, yields and prices falling

Brexit uncertainty is affecting the rural land market in the UK with demand falling and in turn having an impact on prices, the latest analysis shows. Demand has now been falling for the last 18 months with concerns about future subsidies once the UK leaves the European Union and low commodity prices weighing on the […] The post Brexit hits UK rural land market with demand, rents, yields and prices falling appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, ads, Advertising, advice, AGA, age, agent, agents, agricultural, Ais, America, analysis, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, Australia, average, awards, ban, bank, bank of england, bottom, Brexit, British, broadband, build, building, business, businesses, buy, Buyers, buying, cap, capital, change, Chartered Surveyors, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, cost, costs, country, coup, data, Demand, develop, Development, development land, divide, economy, Energy, England, estate, Estates, Europe, existing, existing home, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, for sale, fund, funding, future, global, government, growth, guarantee, home, home building, homes, hot, house, Housing, housing market, impact, increase, Index, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, investors, land, land supply, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, Location, London, low, market, markets, month, mortgage, mortgage rates, move, movers, moving, national, need, negotiations, new, new home, News, North America, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, payments, permission, plan, Planning, policy, prediction, predictions, price, prices, products, propert, properties, Property, property market, Property Sales, Property Wire, purchase, quality, range, rates, release, rent, rent rises, rents, report, research, Residential, review, Rics, rise, rises, rural, sales, search, sell, Sellers, sellin, selling, shared, Shows, site, slow, slowdown, slowing, standard, start, states, Supply, survey, Surveyors, target, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, uncertainty, US, USE, value, Values, Yields | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Brexit hits UK rural land market with demand, rents, yields and prices falling

Gross mortgage lending down in UK in first month of 2017

Gross mortgage lending in the UK reached £18.9 billion in January, some 6% lower than December’s lending total of £20 billion, but 2% higher than a year ago. The latest data from the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) suggests that overall the mortgage market is holding up but according to senior economist Mohammed Jamei there […] The post Gross mortgage lending down in UK in first month of 2017 appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in 2017, activity, ads, Advertising, advice, afford, affordability, AGA, age, Ais, America, ASA, Asia, Asia Pacific, aspiring, Australia, awards, ban, bank, bank of england, borrowers, bottom, Brexit, broadband, budget, bueyrs, build, building, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, cap, capital, change, changes, Cities, city, commercial, Commercial Property, Company News, cost, costs, council, data, deal, Demand, develop, Development, divide, economic, economist, Energy, England, estate, Estates, Europe, existing, existing home, family, features, figures, finance, Finance Update, fines, first time buyer, first time buyers, for sale, future, government, help, home, home building, home lending, homeowner, homeowners, homes, hot, house, Housing, housing costs, housing market, increase, Index, insight, interest, interest rate, interest rates, invest, Investment, investments, investors, land, landlord, Landlords, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, loan, loan to value, Location, London, low, market, month, mortgage, mortgage market, mortgage rates, move, movers, moving, need, new, new home, News, North America, office, older, omes, ONS, Outlook, overseas, owner, owners, ownership, permission, plan, Planning, policy, price, prices, private, private rented sector, products, propert, properties, Property, Property Sales, Property Wire, range, rates, record, regional, release, Remortgage, rent, rent rises, rental, Rental Market, rented, renters, rents, report, research, Residential, rise, rises, river, rural, sales, search, sell, sellin, selling, sentiment, shared, shortage, Shows, site, slow, slowdown, Stamp Duty, standard, start, states, Supply, surcharge, survey, target, tax, tax relief, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, trend, trends, TSI, U, Uk, US, USE, value, Values, wealth, white paper, Yields | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gross mortgage lending down in UK in first month of 2017