
Most key cities in the UK seeing house price growth, according to latest index

House prices in key cities in the UK have increased by 8.5% in the year to September 2016 and 1.7% in the third quarter of the year, the latest index shows. This take the average price in the Hometrack cities house price index to £239,100 with 11 cities seeing higher growth than at the start […] The post Most key cities in the UK seeing house price growth, according to latest index appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in ads, advice, affordable, age, agent, agents, analysis, ASA, Asia, average, average price, Brexit, Bristol, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, change, Cities, Company News, confidence, counties, data, Demand, Deposit, Deposits, England, Europe, finance, Finance Update, flat, growth, home, home hunts, home owners, homes, Hong Kong, house prices, houses, Housing, Index, international, invest, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, Lending, listings, Location, London, market, mortgage, mortgages, move, new, News, office, ONS, Outlook, owners, policy, price, prices, prime, Prime Property, products, Property, property market, property markets, property prices, quarterly, range, Real Estate, record, recovery, rent, rental, Rental Market, Residential, sales, search, Shows, slowing, Spain, standard, Supply, survey, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, US, USE, value, Values, Wales | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Most key cities in the UK seeing house price growth, according to latest index

Prime property rental market improves in UK Home Counties

Prime property rents in the popular Home Counties within commuting distance of Loddon increased by 0.5% in the third quarter of 2016, according to the latest index data. But the region is seeing the emergence of a two tier market as there has been a sharp increase in the number of properties at the very […] The post Prime property rental market improves in UK Home Counties appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in activity, ads, advice, age, agent, agents, ASA, Asia, bedrooms, Brexit, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, change, Cities, Company News, confidence, counties, data, Demand, Deposit, Deposits, England, Europe, finance, Finance Update, flat, growth, home, Home Counties, home hunts, home owners, homes, Hong Kong, house prices, Housing, Index, international, invest, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, Lending, letting, Lettings, Location, London, market, mortgage, mortgages, negotiations, new, News, office, ONS, owners, pick-up, policy, price, prices, prime, Prime Property, products, Property, property market, property markets, purchase, range, Real Estate, recovery, rent, rental, Rental Market, renting, rents, sales, search, Shows, Spain, Stamp Duty, standard, Super Prime, Supply, survey, tax, Taylor Scott International, tenancies, Tenants, three bed, Transactions, trend, TSI, two tier, U, Uk, US, USE, value, viewings, Wales | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Prime property rental market improves in UK Home Counties

Britain is still a nation that wants to be home owners, new survey shows

The majority of British people still want to own a home and they aspire to having their own property not purely for financial reasons, new research has found. Some 72% of adults want to be home owners in two years’ time and 80% hope to own in 10 years’ time which is broadly in line […] The post Britain is still a nation that wants to be home owners, new survey shows appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in ads, advice, affordability, age, agent, agents, ASA, Asia, Asking Prices, aspiring, average, Brexit, build, Builders, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, change, Company News, confidence, data, Demand, Deposit, Deposits, developer, Developers, England, Europe, existing, finance, Finance Update, first time buyer, first time buyers, flat, future, government, home, home hunts, home owners, homes, Hong Kong, house prices, Housing, Index, international, invest, Investment, investments, land, Landlords, Legal, lender, lenders, Lending, Location, London, market, mortgage, mortgages, new, new home, New Homes, News, office, ONS, owners, ownership, part ownership, policy, price, prices, products, Property, property market, property markets, range, Real Estate, recovery, rent, renters, renting, research, search, sentiment, Shows, Spain, Stamp Duty, standard, survey, tax, Taylor Scott International, Tenants, Transactions, TSI, U, Uk, US, USE, value, Wales, young people | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Britain is still a nation that wants to be home owners, new survey shows