Company News
UK landlords call for March Budget to address concerns over tax change and stamp duty
The UK Government is being urged by landlords to use the upcoming Budget in March to reassess its policy on stamp duty for buy to let properties and mortgage interest relief tax change due to be introduced in April. Alan Ward, chairman of the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) believes that the Budget provides an opportunity […] The post UK landlords call for March Budget to address concerns over tax change and stamp duty appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Property prices up in all but one capital city in Australia in January
Residential property prices in Australian capital cities increased by 0.7% in January with growth led by Hobart, Sydney and Melbourne, the latest index shows. The January rise was lower than the 1.4% recorded in December, but higher than the readings for October and November last year, when capital city dwelling values rose by 0.5% and […] The post Property prices up in all but one capital city in Australia in January appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →
Central London office market can flourish post Brexit, says new analysis
London is a global city, already operating beyond the European Union, and its commercial property market has the ability to flourish after Brexit, according to new research. Of £9.3 billion of overseas capital invested in central London offices some 80% came from outside Europe. China and Hong Kong were the largest source of foreign investment, […] The post Central London office market can flourish post Brexit, says new analysis appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading →