
UK sees first time buyer mortgages rise as buy to let slows

Home owners in the UK borrowed £12.2 billion for house purchases in August, up 14% month on month and 11% year on year, according to the latest data. They took out 66,000 loans, up 13% on July and 9% on August 2015, the figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) show as house purchase […] The post UK sees first time buyer mortgages rise as buy to let slows appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

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Average property in UK is eight times the average wage, new research shows

The average UK house price is eight times the average wage with the majority of least affordable areas in London, new research has found. Indeed, in London the average price of a home is 14 times the average wage, according to research from eMoov with data compiled from all London boroughs and each area across […] The post Average property in UK is eight times the average wage, new research shows appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

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Property prices in UK up 0.1% in September, latest index shows

Residential property prices in the UK increased by 0.1% in September, taking the average price of a home to £214,024, according to the latest index to be published. But there was a slight quarter on quarter fall of 0.1% although prices are still up 5.8% compared to a year ago, down from 6.9% in August, […] The post Property prices in UK up 0.1% in September, latest index shows appeared first on PropertyWire . Continue reading

Posted on by tsiadmin | Posted in activity, ads, affordability, affordable, age, agents, ASA, Asking Prices, average, average price, Brexit, build, building, buy, Buy to Let, Buyers, buying, Central London, challenge, change, Company News, confidence, consumer, counties, data, Demand, Dubai, economy, estate agent, estate agents, Europe, Finance Update, fund, government, growth, halifax, home, home owners, homes, houses, Housing, housing ladder, housing market, Index, insurance, interest only, interest rate, invest, Investment, investments, JLL, land, Landlords, Leeds Building Society, Legal, Lending, Loans, Location, London, market, Middle East, Monaco, mortgage, negotiations, new, News, Nine Elms, North America, office, older buyers, ONS, owners, policy, price, prices, prime, products, Property, property market, property prices, quarterly, Real Estate, referendum, regeneration, rent, rental, research, Residential, retirement, Rics, rules, sales, shortfall, Shows, slowing, Stamp Duty, standard, Supply, survey, Surveyors, tax, Taylor Scott International, Transactions, TSI, Uk, US, USE, Values | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Property prices in UK up 0.1% in September, latest index shows